Is It Love?

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Love? Crush? Admiration?

Is there any difference?

If so...

How will you define each noun?

How can you tell that what you feel for this person is just a simple crush or admiration ?

How do you know if it's not yet love ?

How do you know if it is already love ?

When it seems like your heart beats the same on every noun that you think it is.

You tell yourself it's just a crush, it's just simple admiration, not love but then you saw the person you "admire" with somebody else then all of a sudden you feel something stinging pain in your heart, all of sudden you feel insecure, all of a sudden you feel envious of that person being in the arms of your "crush"
Or is it love?

Is it still considered as "crush" "admiration" when you start feeling the pain, envy, jealousy, the madness. Or is it love?

You try to forget that person pretending that you never know him that he never existed hoping the feelings will just fade away and gone for good.

To stop the pain
To stop the illusions and delusions
To stop the madness and especially
To stop your heart from beating for him

Is it possible? They'll yes but will surely take time. depends on how deep you have fallen, how much you have gotten hurt and how much "love" you had given. That is if it is love. Is it?

So tell me when can you tell if it is LOVE?

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