Please Tell Me How

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Please Tell Me How

Forgive and Forget that's what they say.

Forgive those who hurt you, Forget what they had done.

Forgive that they made you cry, Forget why.

Forgive that they insulted and belittled you, Forget how many times. 

Forgive how much they caused you pain, Forget that you came to a point that you wanted to end your life just to end the pain.

Forgive and Forget to be free and to be happy. 

To be free from the people that are holding you back from moving forward. 

To be free from the ugly past.

To be free from their hurtful words that keep on haunting you that you, yourself started to believe those lies. 

To be free from doubts that are preventing you from growing.

So that you can be happy because finally after how many days, months and years that your heart is been full of anger, pain, and grudge, you finally set your heart and mind free from the madness and grudge that you kept. And let yourself free from your broken ugly past and be able to start a new beginning with a new you.


To Forgive and Forget Can you Please... Please Tell Me How?

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