Chapter 3 - I thought I was special

Start from the beginning

"Well is it flat?" Jessie inquires.

I nod, "Pretty sure."

Noah faces me, turning sharply, "What? How did it go flat?"

I mumble under my breath where he can hear it, "Hasn't yet. But if you don't buy me ice cream I'll make sure it's done."

Noah stares at me, bewildered. I give him a look with wide eyes and a clenched jaw. I try to subtly motion my head towards Emily, who is looking at the counter behind her to see all of the ice cream options. Meanwhile, Jessie is scrolling on her phone, waiting for Noah to give her attention.

I pull my phone out to text Noah. I can't stand this girl. She's in my psych class.

It's not that I can't stand her, but it's the only way to word it to make Noah understand.

You can deal with her for one hour.

Noah turns his phone off.

I take a deep breath. Here's to trying to make decent conversation.

"So which ice cream are you getting?" I ask Emily as she turns around in her chair. She starts to get up to go place her order. I rise as well because, even though I'm not entirely happy to be here, I will still pay for a girl on a date.

"I'm thinking Rocky Road. It's my favorite."

"Wow." I comment, my eyebrows rising in surprise.

"I know," She rolls her eyes, "I should pick something more exotic or something."

I shake my head with a smile, "No. I mean we already have the same favorite ice cream. I think that's a good sign."

She chuckles as we step up to the counter. I not only love the ice cream and other sweet treats they have at The Fro-Zone, but the atmosphere gives off a sense of cheer too. The place is decorated in bright neon colors with posters and displays that give off a "hey, you need some ice cream and a smile!" vibe.

When Emily gives her order, I'm distracted by Jessie's tone of voice just a few feet away. Are Jessie and Noah really arguing already? I get my ice cream as well and pay for both of us.

"You always do this! Why do you have to argue with me over something as stupid as a movie?!" Jessie hollers. I wince. And Noah told me to be on my best behavior.

"So you admit it's a stupid movie." He crosses his arms over his chest. Wrong move, bud.

Emily is just as hesitant as I am to go back to the table. Jessie's jaw is clenched and she doesn't say a word.

I watch as Noah leans in to the table, whispering. I make out what he says though. "Do we have to do this here?"

Jessie rolls her eyes, "You know what, Noah? We don't have to do anything here. We don't have to talk or look at each other. How about that?"

I have to restrain myself from groaning at how dramatic she is. Her roommate is standing next to me, and so it would be insensitive. Emily would probably be offended if I showed my discontent.

"Ughhhh," Emily marches over to the table and ends up dragging Jessie away by her wrist. 

I blink. Great minds think alike.

I walk over to Noah, taking a few bites of ice cream as he sits in his chair contemplating his love life. My mom always said ice cream fixed everything, but that doesn't fix Noah's problem.

"I'm sorry I dragged you into this. You didn't want to come and now I don't want to be here." Noah apologizes with his head in his hands.

Such a drama queen.

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