Chapter One

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The sun rose up from the horizon, giving light over a small village. Being in France sounds like anyone totally lives is in a giant world. However, one villager didn't think that way. Lance woke up early for the day, and with a small basket in hand, walked right out of the door. A small book laid in his basket as he watched the sun rise over his little town where he lived. His house didn't seem apart of the village too much. It was more towards the side of it, but Lance always thought that he and his father were part of the village. Home was home.

Little town, it's a quiet village. Every day, like the one before. Little town, full of little people

Waking up to say...

"Bonjour!" Said one villager as they opened up their windows.


It seemed that everyone greeted each other with happy smiles and happy 'hellos', and Lance loved that thought, but the same thing every day? Lance had gotten quite bored with his small and quiet hometown.

There goes the baker with his tray like always, the same old bread and rolls to sell. Every morning just the same, since the morning that we came.
To this poor provincial town..

"Good morning, Lance!" The baker said once Lance passed in front of it.

"Morning, monsieur!" Lance said as he waved and walked over.

"Where you off to?" He asked, moving some bread loaves onto a brown wooden cart. Lance smiled excitedly as he began to speak.

"The bookshop! I just finished the most wonderful story, about a beanstalk and an ogre and-"

"That's nice. Marie! The baguettes! Hurry up!" The baker cut off Lance as he seemed more interested in his daughter baking the bread on time. Lance shrugged it off and continued on his way.

Look there he goes, that boy is strange no question. Dazed and distracted, can't you tell?
Never part of any crowd...
Cause his head's up on some cloud...
No denying he's a funny boy, that Lance!

Lance saw a wagon cart coming his way and used it as an open opportunity. Once it was past him, he jumped onto the back, hanging off of it with one arm and one leg as it took him through the town.

Good day!
How is your family?

Good day!
How is your wife?

Lance laughed a little to himself when he saw the male customer get hit by his angry wife after talking with the female merchant. However, he couldn't help but still be a bit sad with his life in the village.

I need six eggs!
That's too expensive!

'There must be more than this provisional life!' Lance thought to himself as he hopped off the cart once he arrived to his destination. He sighed a relief and smiled a little as he stood in front of the bookshop. Honestly, it was basically the only thing that kept him happy in the small town.

"Ah, Lance!" The bookkeeper said as he noticed Lance the moment he walked into the shop.

"Good morning. I've come to return the book I borrowed," Lance said as he handed the book to him. He went to explore the shop, eager to find something else to read.

"Finished already?" The bookkeeper chuckled as he placed the book back onto its shelf.

"Oh, I couldn't put it down! Got anything new?" Lance asked, almost too eagerly as he wandered through the shelves. He scanned through all the titles, hoping to find a new adventure to get away to somewhere.

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