Their adventure - Patton x Deceit

Start from the beginning

"You are grounded until I say otherwise. Seriously, can you not stay out of trouble?" She grumbled, turning to her car. Deceit watched her go, deciding against walking with her. He strode over to Patton who had watched the whole thing, smirking at the worry swimming in his eyes.

"Don't knock it till you try it. Being an orphan is wonderful" he nasalised, unexpectedly being pulled into a hug by Patton. "Patton" Deceit sighed, slowing hugging back. "I'm fine" he murmured lowly, giving Patton one reassuring look. Behind them, the lady called for Deceit, so he tipped his imaginary hat, stuffed his hands into his pockets and stalked off towards the car.

Patton watched him go with sad eyes, turning to his dads. One of them turned to the other, and he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Fine"

A few weeks later Deceit heard someone calling his name. Pausing his drawing, he slid down the banister precariously, spotting an excited looking Patton with his dads who both equally looked happy.  The owner quickly ushered them inside his office - he was much kinder than the worker that drove Deceit home when he and Patton were lost; in fact she's the only bitch that works here, really.

When Deceit found out they were here to adopt him, he had to force his jaw from falling, slowly shaking his head. "No" he firmly spoke, not meeting their gaze. "No, I don't want to be adopted" he suddenly snarled, becoming defensive. "I don't need a family" he added, not sparing a glance at the heartbroken Patton, the cardigan-clod watching him pick himself up and leave in a storm.

"I'll go talk to him-" the owner tried, but Patton's shorter dad stood up too. "No; I will" he smiled, ruffling Patton's hair as he went by. He asked a few kids where Deceit went, and they all told him he usually hides away in the unused attic at the top floor if he was feeling particularly emotional that day. Patton's dad thanked them and climbed up the flights of stairs, slowly cracking open the door leading to the attic.

It was filled with boxes, ranging from large to small, some open, some closed with tape, others on their side, contents fallen to the ground, everything with a layer of grey dust covering it.

Patton's dad found Deceit sitting on an old, ripped, and dusty arm chair facing towards the circle window. "Go away" Deceit muttered dangerously, but instead Patton's dad took a seat on the table next to him, staring at the land he could see through the window.

"Can is tell you a story?" Patton's dad spoke up, turning his head slightly to gaze at Deceit who didn't respond, instead pushed himself further into the seat, eyes set into a hard glare.

"..I had a friend who was an orphan" he decided to go on anyway, "she was in a similar situation as you" he explained, swaying his legs back and fourth, rising the dust underneath on the wooden panelled ground. "She was abandoned by her parents at the age of eleven, and she felt such betrayal she never allowed herself to be adopted again"

"Your point?" Deceit muttered darkly.

"She regrets it. To this day, she regrets not letting herself find another family. She understood not everyone was like her own family, but when she did, it was too late. I'm not saying you might regret it when you're an adult, but everyone deserves a family, and Patton really likes you, even if you've only known each other for a few weeks" Patton's dad went silent for a moment, letting the words sink in. Deceit hated to admit to himself, but when he said Patton liked him, he felt his heart flutter.

"Patton was an orphan, too, only difference is we adopted him when he was a baby. You both lost your parents at a very young age, that doesn't mean you have to be alone. We'll have a few test trails, anyway. If you like it, you can stay, if you don't, you can stay here. It's your decision, De, we'll wait downstairs" Patton's dad sent him a smile, hoping down from the table to head towards the door. He halted, though, when Deceit called out to him.

Standing a few feet behind, he played with the yellow gloves hiding his hands. "You really want to adopt me?" He murmured in a soft voice.

Patton's dad smiled. "We do"

"You won't abandon me?"

"Never. We promise"

Deceit nodded. "..fine" he managed, meeting Patton's dads gaze.

Watching joy spread across Patton's face when the news was broken to him was the best feeling Deceit probably ever felt all his life. Staying in an actual home instead of an orphanage was intimidating, and very out of place for him, but he settled in a few nights later, one night he even found himself crying, wondering how he had gotten so lucky

When he agreed to the adoption, he was living full time in their house a month later. Sitting next to Patton while eating dinner with a family was something Deceit would never get used to - it was so surreal he could barely comprehend it.

And, a few months later, when he and Patton shared a kiss cuddled up on his bed, he realised he did, in fact need someone, and that someone was laying in his arms.


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