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I walk back into the cafe and sit next to my mom. Harry sits next to me as well. Man, I really wish he would just go away. I guess he asked his friends to get me some ice because they both walked up and one handed me a towel with ice in it.

"Hey, I'm Niall. I'm sorry Harry is such a clutz" he laughs.

"Hi, I'm Louis." I looked at them and gave them a half smile.

"Sophia don't be rude" my mom whispers to me.

I roll my eyes slightly, "I'm Sophie" I say with a fake smile. I really just want to go home. My REAL home.

"I'm sorry for her attitude, we just moved here from America and she wasn't too happy about the move. I'm Kate Morris and this is my daughter." My mother apologizes for me.

"Oh don't worry about it. When did you guys get to London?" Louis asks.

"Just last night, " She says cheerfully.

"Well Sophia, if you ever need someone to show you around we'd be happy to do it. You know, to make up for Harry breaking your face" Niall says smiling at me. Maybe these two aren't so bad.

"Yeah, we'll see." I smile back. Mom and I decide to head back home, stopping at a few shops along the way. After three stops we can no longer walk because of all the stuff we bought so we got an Uber. Once we are home I go to my room to start unpacking and decorating. Once all of my clothes are put away and my bed is made I can organize my desk. After that is done I decide to take a break and scroll through Twitter. I am surprised to see a message from Niall Horan.



Hey Sophia


Hi Niall. You don't actually have to show me around you know.


I know. But it would be fun. And you gotta learn your way around somehow.


That's very true.


Hey, so we're having a movie night tonight. Wanna join?




Yeah, me and the lads. C'mon don't act like you've never heard of us. (That was not conceited at all) lol


It sounded a little conceited lol. And yeah I've heard of you guys. Who hasn't? I'm just not much of a fan. No offense.


None taken. It's nice to be able to meet someone who doesn't scream in our faces. So whatcha say? Movie night?


That totally sounds tempting but I have to prepare to start school on Monday. Plus I don't really hang out with celebrities. They're mostly full of themselves. Again, no offense.


Ouch. I kinda felt that one. But if you change your mind, the offer stands. And we'll come back to me showing you around.


Haha sure.


I closed my laptop when my mom called me down for dinner. After dinner ,I finished organizing my room and then got ready for bed. I laid around watching Gossip Girl until I finally fell asleep


Monday morning I wake up for my first day at my new school. This is something I am definitely not looking forward to. I hate meeting new people. I always freeze up and stutter when I try to talk. The only time I don't feel shy is when I'm on stage. With Briana. Man, I really miss her.

After my shower ,I pull on my ripped black skinny jeans, a tan sweater, and my brown riding boots. I grab my book bag and head out to my mom's car. She drops me off at school on her way to the gym.

"Have a good day honey, make some friends!" Mom yells as I step out of the car.

"Yeah, ill try mom." I call back.

The day goes by pretty slow. I have calculus for my first class of the day. What an awful way to start the day. Then there's chemistry followed by advanced French. I'm now on my way to the cafeteria for lunch.

At lunch ,I sit alone at a circular table. Sitting alone eating school pizza and scrolling through Twitter is definitely not how I pictured my senior year going. I text Briana but she's five hours behind me. It's only 6:30 in the morning back home.

About five minutes into being a complete loner, a tall girl with long blonde hair walks up to me.

"Hi, I'm Jenna. You're new here right?" She says with a kind smile.

"Yeah, first day. I'm Sophie." I reply.

"Hey, why don't you come sit with us. There's plenty of room at our table." She seems nice enough.

"Um yeah, sure." I get up and follow her to a table with two other girls.

"This is Brooke and Maggie. Girls, this is Sophie." She tells them. Brooke has deep skin and curly brown hair with piercing green eyes. Maggie is short with red hair and bright blue eyes.

"Hey", I say shyly and sit down at the table.

"So Sophie, where'd you move from?" Brooke asks.

"Oh, um. I'm from Kentucky. Er... America I mean." I stutter.

"Oh my gosh ,your accent is so cute!" Says Maggie.

"Hey ,you kind of look familiar. You said it's your first day? Do we have any classes together?" Jenna says looking at me intently.

"I don't think so" I reply slightly confused.

"It's so weird but I feel like I've seen you somewhere before. I just can't put my finger on it." Hmm weird.....



I doubt anyone is actually gonna read this far, if they read at all haha. But if you did, thank you!! I really appreciate it. Writing a fanfic is hard because I really don't wanna make it sound cliche but I'm also new to this. I've always liked writing stories though. This is just for fun and I really hope y'all are enjoying it. So vote and comment and stuff and let me know if any ideas or tips you might have!! Thank you for reading!!! ✌🏼

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