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After my dad dropped the bomb that the whole family is moving to another continent so that he could play professional soccer in England, I ran to my room not saying another word. Briana chased after me and we just sat in my room for hours not talking. No noise besides the sounds of our sniffles and the occasional loud crying. Briana finally breaks the silence.

"We can still keep in touch. You know, FaceTime, text, calls. We will only be a call away from each other."

"It's over 4,000 miles from Kentucky to London, England. With an ocean in between! Senior year just started and I'm being uprooted to move across the world! I mean, I'm happy that my dad got a new job that pays well but did it have to be in ENGLAND?!" I say falling back to lay on my bed. Briana laid down next to me.

"We will still be best friends. And we can visit each other for breaks. And maybe you could come back to the states for college. Or I could go to England. You just gotta promise you won't forget about me." Briana says trying to comfort me.

"Like that would ever be possible. I couldn't forget about you if I tried!" I tell her as I throw my arms around her to hug her.

"Good, now imagine all the hot British boys you're going to meet. I love a British accent." I just sit there and laugh as Briana goes on and on about cute British boys.


"Oh my gosh, we're next. I don't think I can handle being this nervous!" Briana whispers to me. We are standing backstage getting ready to perform in our last high school talent show.

"You handle it every year Bri," I laugh.

"Yeah but this is our last shot"

"Up next we have Sophia Morris and Briana Stevens!" The announcer yells our names into the microphone. The crowd is cheering as we prepared to run on stage.

"Are you ready?" I ask her.

"Ready as I'll ever be." We both take a deep breath and walk onto the stage. We are singing our hearts out jumping around until we can't feel our legs. The energy is great and I am loving every second of it. We are singing a song we just finished writing. The crowd is loving it, they are all on their feet, clapping along with the music. We come off the stage with the biggest smiles on our faces.

"That was amazing!!" I yell as soon as we get back to the classroom we are using as a dressing room.

"I know, I have a really good feeling about this year," Briana says wiping her sweat off and fixing her makeup.

"Okay so there are four more acts and then they will announce the winners."

"I think I'm gonna throw up, I'm so nervous" Briana whines looking at the clock.

"Me too, I really wanna win this year" I start to pace around the room and wait for our queue to go back on stage for awards. I can hear the crowd cheering after every performance. Two left. One.

"Girls, we need you on stage."

"That's our queue," Briana says. She stands up and starts walking to the door.


"Yeah, Soph?"

"No matter what happens out there tonight, I've loved performing with you for the last 6 years. I'm going to miss you when I leave." I tell her with tears in my eyes.

"Oh Sophie, I promise you this was not our last performance together" she hugs me tight and we walk to the stage together.

"Did everyone have a good time tonight?!" The announcer yells. The crowd goes wild. "Good, now let's get down to it. In third place, we have Justin and Avery with their reenactment of Romeo and Juliet!!"

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