The Longing of The Heart

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Dear Hayley,

It's been ages since we last talked, and I'm longing to hear from you again. I don't know if you know this, but you've been constantly in my head for these last few months and I missed you more than I could put into words. I miss your smile, your effortless charm, your passionate empathy, and so much more besides. I love every single thing about you and I wish you knew that ever since you came into my life you've helped me turn it around for the better. You've made a huge impact in my life and I hope to keep my word to you that I need you in my future.

I just want you to know that I'm still here, waiting for you to return. I know it's not a lot to say but I miss you terribly, more so than I can describe. I say this because I'm scared of losing you, and I know in my heart that I'll never find someone like you again. You're a one-of-a-kind person and the things you hold and possess are things nobody else has. Others may try to emulate you, but they'll never come close to being you. I know for a fact how difficult it is to find someone who can handle me and take care of me and support me, and you being there for me through my best and worst times has made me realise how much I want to be with you. I only hope you feel the same way too.

I can understand the peril of your situation, and I'm certain none of this will be easy for us. People don't want us to be together for reasons known only to them, and there's not much we can do to convince them. However, that won't deter me from giving my love to you, and I hope you share the same sentiments on your side. I've told this to you so many times but I'll tell this to you again: you're worth it. You're worth every effort and sleepless nights and lingering thoughts and hopeful heartache, and that even if we're separated by miles of ocean and land, space and time, and age and circumstance, I still love you. I still want to be with you, support you, care for you, and be better for you. It's hard but I'll make it happen, and until the last day of us I'll keep trying to love you as best as I can. Because I believe perfect people don't exist, but there's always one that's perfect for you and me. It simply happens that the perfect person for me is you.

Always remember Hayley, I love you. It's the start and end of all this and it's the root, tree, branch, and fruit of all I hold dear for you. I hope you find the time to return.

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