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What happened to you?
What happened to us?
Why did you hurt me?
Why did you leave me?
Why did you run away from me?
Why did you abandon me?
Why did you turn on me?
Why did you break your promises?
Why did you dismember me?
Why did you denounce me as evil?
Why did you condemn my honesty for hatred?
And why did you break my heart?

I whisper my howling heartache
Deep at night, in the middle of nowhere.
I yearn for answers I know I'll never get
For you have disposed of me as your shameful past.
I don't know why you changed overnight
And hated me when yesterday you loved me.
You got our friends to buy into your propaganda
And chased me out of our old sanctuary,
Away from the life we once knew.
Now I shelter in the barren wilderness,
Cold, lost, and lonely;
My heart empty, my spirit broken,
And my soul exhausted
From everything you put me through.
You were everything to me for all these years,
But it turned out I was nothing to you.
Guess that's why it was so easy for you
To get rid of me and drive me away like that.

I can't believe you'd do this,
I can't believe how far you'll go
To erase the time we shared together
And rewrite history to suit your new life.
But you don't care anymore, you've forgotten about me;
You've ascended the heights of heaven
With your new friends and my replacement.
I'm an ugly old friend you don't see anymore
Since I'm an embarrassment for you to be seen with.
It burns me like salt on a wound
To know how you sold me all those promises
And kept me hooked on you because you could,
And when things changed, you found someone better,
So you kicked me out and left me high and dry.
I think of all that and sigh in sorrow,
Grieving to myself, the one who stayed till the end.
I wish I knew how it would end,
But finally, I see everything now.
Everything is clear to me now.

You pulled me, a gullible idiot,
Into your heart-shaped trap.
I must give you credit,
You really got me there,
Hook, line, and sinker.
It didn't matter how I felt,
What you wanted was an ego trip,
For you to be loved without being in love with me.
At last, at long last, I know you now.
You twisted and mangled my vulnerable heart
Into a toy for your vile entertainment.
Your friends knew it but they played along,
Too blinded by their loyalty to tell the truth.
It's a game you played behind my back,
And when the world changed in an instant,
You vanished like a mirage,
And the people I thought were 'our' friends
Played dumb and connived between themselves.
And in the end I paid the price for loving you.
My desperation and near insanity,
They're nothing but comedy for you.
You and your friends, you knew all along.
You didn't care, you didn't want to care.
Even when I was suffering,
You still wanted me to dance for you.

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