Revelation Part 2

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One day,
I will no longer hurt,
I will no longer feel pain.
I will be free from misery
And I will be in peace.

One day, I'll wake up to a new life,
The life I thought I could only dream about.
I will put all the memories I had with you,
All the good ones and bad ones,
The letters I wrote for you but never sent
And the pictures of the love we once shared,
Into boxes neatly sorted with your name on it.
I will find the coat you once used
To shield us from the rainstorm on our way home
That now hangs in my wardrobe, dusty and worn-out.
I will take it out and put my hand into its pocket
To pull out your forgotten handkerchief
That you wiped your many tears with.
I will fold your coat neatly and cleanly
And add it into your box of memories.
I will find them all,
From wherever nook and cranny I put them in,
And take them all out
Until I'm left with stacks of boxes
Filled with every piece of you I had.
From there, I will bring them all out of my room;
A small, personal gesture
To tell you I'm saying goodbye to you.
You're finally leaving my life
And you will no longer take any more space in it.
As I leave my room, holding the last box
Of every single memory of you,
I will be met by her,
The partner you could've been
But chose not to.
She asks me what's in the box
And I'll tell her it's full of pieces and remnants
Of someone I once loved.
She'll help me gather them all and take them
To a place you rightfully belong.

Once upon a time,
You were the person
I wanted to share my life with.
I was the one you promised first
Who stayed with you the longest.
But you left in the cold light of day
You've turned our summer of romance into.
However much you meant to me,
I can't keep living in the past forever.
That's why the time has come
For your memories to leave
And for my room
To say goodbye to you.
I thought you'd be the future I'll live in
But you have resigned yourself to the past.
And then my partner,
The person you gave up on becoming,
Shall hold my hand
And lead me away from the past with you
Toward the potential future with her.
The future you've since forsaken,
The present she strives to build with me.
You have turned out to be a mere footnote
And she, my new chapter
Waiting for my first words to be written.

This particular poem was inspired by a local song I haven't heard since I was 12. That was the time I graduated from grade school and it brought back so many memories of that time. I didn't know it then but it would become relevant to me at this point in time. And now it has become useful as a song that reflects my sadness for relationships ending and the inevitability of change. I guess we all must get used to it at some point.

Happy New Year to all of you readers and viewers here in Wattpad. It warms my heart to see you reading my rambles and thoughts despite them being well-worn topics you must be tired of seeing. Thanks for the support and let's all enjoy 2024 and what lies ahead of us.

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