Howl of the Broken

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You know what you've done

And you know you're guilty.

I gave you a chance to repent,

To admit your sin and to fix things.

And I would've forgiven you,

No matter how grievous your defilement was.

But it was too easy for you, wasn't it?

Still you were obstinate,

Wearing that halo on your head

When you are anything but deserving.

I admitted my faults

Just to make it easier for you,

For it pains me to bear grudges.

And because I held the hope

That it could be better than this.

But no, you just had to rub it in.

You had to keep rubbing into my scars

Like you were born perfect.

You couldn't take what I gave

Because I was below your value;

You thought my romantic fixations

Was nothing but a nuisance.

And you knew I would fall for you

And yet you used me

For your perverted amusement.

Did you really think that somehow,

I would let you drive off into the sunset

Without claiming what was due?

You mark my words,

You sanctimonious, hypocritical __________.

I lay this curse upon you

That shall last till your final moments.

What you did to me

Will be the same for all the suitors you seek.

You will never be able to give your heart

In the name of love.

You will only want them

For cheap sex

And other material pleasures.

The joy and love you want

Shall never come in your lifetime.

And the ones you will get

Will be cruel and selfish,

Just like you.

You deserve this.

The treacherous poison in your heart

Will bear the fruit of your misery.

And this I promise,

My words shall ring true

For every day that you live.

I want you to know this,

And I want you to live with it.

Well @bloodangel this is my best attempt at writing like you so I hope you like it.

I wrote this poem with that disloyal user in mind. Wherever you are, I hope you find nothing but ruin and heartbreak everywhere you go. I hope you burn in Hell.

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