Start from the beginning

Quietly, she thanked him, before leaning down next to the car. She held the compass against as much blood as she could and chanted (more like whispered) the spell she remembered from the grimoire.

"Cuius mihi sanguis circuitum ducere mortuis," she said it over and over and over again until the blood was in the shape of a compass. She smiled to herself. She had done it. Elijah half smiled as well as Lena dropped the metal compass in his hand and held the blood compass in her own. It was pointing north. "Follow me," she told the dusty, blood covered vampire.

He did as he was told until the compass was pointing to the church and he ran forward. Lena sighed, dropping the blood compass so that Klaus' blood scattered everywhere and she ran after Elijah. He had stopped in the doorway of St Anne's Church, allowing Lena to see the catastrophe.

A gasp escaped her lips at the scene. There was Klaus, even more bloodied than his brother, holding Hayley in his lap and crying. Blood practically surrounded her. It was obvious that Hayley was gone and the baby had been taken too.


Lena trailed behind Elijah, almost tripping over herself. She could hardly see, her eyesight was blurred by the tears that ran down her cheeks. A hiccup of a sob escaped her lips as she fell to her knees on the blood soaked steps, Elijah quickly following her actions. Hayley's neck had been sliced open.

"She's gone," Lena could hardly hear Klaus' words, the pounding of her head was loud in her ears. It was almost like Niagara Falls was rushing through her ears. She felt sick. There was so much blood, too much blood. She hated it. She wanted it to be over. She wanted all this pain to be over.

She wanted to be with Rebekah.

"You've been bitten," pointed out Klaus. Lena glanced over at Elijah, through her tears she could see the bite mark on his neck. Klaus bit into his wrist and allowed his brother to drink from him.

When Elijah was strong enough, he took Hayley from Klaus' arms and laid her to rest on the bloodied table sitting behind Klaus. Lena crawled towards the hybrid. Klaus' hand found hers quickly. She didn't care that he was almost crushing her fingers, she needed the anchor.

"How?" asked Elijah.

"I was bested."

"You were bested?" Lena heard the tremor in Elijah's words and sucked in a breath. Would a fight break out between the brothers right then, at a time such as that. She felt Elijah spin around behind her and squeezed her eyes shut.

"You...WERE BESTED?" Elijah's voice echoed through the church as he walked past the two. The tears ran off Lena's chin and dripped through her tights onto her knees. She felt sick, sitting in blood, the stench of iron combing through her nostrils. "My invincible brother?"

Klaus' hand slipped out of hers as he staggered to his feet. Lena let her eyes open to see him. He was shaking.

"They took the baby, but there's still time. We can save her."

His voice wavered. Lena pushed herself up to stand. She didn't care that her body was battered and bruised, a little bloody in places and she still felt a little dizzy. Hayley was dead. There was no saving her now. But there was a baby girl about to be sacrificed that needed saving. Lena couldn't save Hayley. But she could save her daughter.

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KLAUS had tried. He had really, really tried, but there was no stopping Lena from going with him and Elijah to Lafayette cemetery to stop the sacrificial ritual of his baby girl. He had argued that she wasn't well enough, that she needed to rest, but she was in a particularly fiery mood and hadn't even argued with him, she had just led the way to the cemetery.

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