"You're Galran, so what?" (Sheith)

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Keith jumped at the knock on his door. What was he going to do? If people saw him the way he was they would hate him, wouldn't they?

Shiro knocked on the door again. What was taking him so long? Why wasn't Keith answering the door? "Keith," he called, "If you don't answer the door I'll shoot the control panel." He waited for a response and when he didn't get one he powered up his arm and aimed for the panel by the door. Then it opened; Keith grabbed his arm , dragged him inside and closed the door.

Shiro looked around the room for Keith and saw him cowering in the corner farthest from the door with a blanket over his head. "D-Do-Don't be m-mad, o-okay." Keith stuttered out. Shiro could see the blanket shaking as he sat down on the bed. "I won't be mad Keith. Please come out and talk to me."

Keith came out from under his blanket and Shiro saw him properly for the first time. He had purple Galran ears, a tail, marks across his cheeks and on various other parts of his body  and the whites of his eyes had turned yellow and almost appeared to glow in the dimly lit room. Shiro stared at him in awe, his brain attempting to process the change; this was still his Keith,just a bit different.

"I'm a monster, aren't I?" Keith almost seemed to ask the statement as he turned his back to Shiro and crossed his arms over his chest. "Of course not Keith." Shiro replied gently, standing up and moving closer to the red paladin. "You're Galran, so what?" He said wrapping his arms around Keith's waist from behind.

He turned Keith around to look into his eyes. "It doesn't matter what you look like; you're still our Keith and the rest of the team won't care. More importantly your still my Keith, and I will love you to the end of the universe and back again no matter what happens." Then Shiro kissed the half-Galran softly on the lips. When they pulled apart Keith whispered "I love you too, and the universe is infinite."

Shiro smiled brightly and just pulled Keith closer, happy to call the small boy his.

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