"Do you want me to share the shower with you or not?" Darnell asked, chuckling a bit. Jared blinked, realizing that he had spaced out. Darnell reached out, wrapping his hand around the man's shoulder as he hummed. "Hmm? Yes or no?" he asked, cocking his head to the side as he gave Jared a teasing look. Jared's face and body were heating up. He wondered what had gotten into Darnell. He seemed a little more flirtatious than usual. He didn't drink, so Jared couldn't blame it on alcohol.

"Y-yes," Jared stuttered, watching as Darnell's brown eyes twinkled as the younger man undid his hands from around Jared's shoulders. Although Jared now had some space, he still felt suffocated by emotion. He didn't know why Darnell was being touchy this night, but he liked it — maybe too much, even. Jared walked up the stairs with Darnell following behind him. They made it to Jared's room and Darnell wasted no time getting out of his clothes while Jared was a little clumsy about it. He was always like this around Darnell. It was hard debating whether you really deserved to be intimate with someone when you weren't sure of your own body. It was hard when you were on the fence on them seeing your body eight times out of ten.

It was only when Darnell left for the bathroom that Jared could get out of his clothes without issues. He walked to the bathroom door, standing there and not being able to find the will to open it. He pressed his forehead on the door, listening to Darnell hummed along to the music that was playing. He took his phone in with him and had a playlist lined up.

Jared let out a sigh, taking a hold of the door handle before pulling it down and opening the door. He walked in, closing the door behind him before looking over at Darnell was under the stream of water. Jared's shower wasn't that big, but it was big enough to hold two people. It would be a tight fit, but a fit none the less. Darnell smiled, edging to the side and making space for Jared, and Jared just stood by the door, shaking like a leaf as he looked at Darnell. He wanted to move, but it was hard to will himself to.

"Come on," Darnell said with a little assuring smile, and that was enough to get Jared across the bathroom and inside the shower with him. They were so close, just half an arm's length's space away from each other. Jared tried to go about washing himself, but Darnell beat him to it, giving the man a smile as he was his back.

"What is it?" Darnell asked, leaning to the side so that he could look at Jared's face. His soapy hands were pressed on the man's back, and the sound of music mixed with pouring water filled the void of the bathroom. Jared tried to say something, but a small whimper left his lips instead. His face was red, and he was shaking a bit, nervous with the way Darnell was pressing himself close to him.

Darnell managed to make Jared turn his head, and he took the opportunity to catch his lips, kissing the man as he pressed himself against his back and massaged his shoulders. Darnell managed to get Jared to turn, and soon his hands were around Jared's shoulder as they faced each other while they kissed.

Darnell broke the kiss, moving to kiss Jared's cheek, neck, and shoulders until he slowly got down on his knees. Jared gulped, reaching out to hold on to the man's hair as Darnell took a hold of his shaft and kissed the tip before coaxing it with his tongue.

There was a low moan from Jared, then a small whimper as Darnell took him in his mouth, sucking and moving his head as he closed his eyes. Darnell's eyes fluttered open as he looked up at Jared, taking him in as deep as he possibly could, pulling his mouth away before he could trigger a gag reflex. He heaved a bit, rubbing off the trail of spit on his face. He chuckled, looking up at Jared again.

"Not very graceful, was it?" he joked, getting up on his feet as a glint uncertainty flashed through his eyes.

"It was," Jared muttered, taking a step forward and closing the space between them. "Everything you do is graceful," he went on, not caring that a lot could be read into his words. The simple act of baring himself made Darnell lick his lips before leaning in to kiss him again. He wished he could say more — he could tell Darnell he loved him and that he wanted them to be together, but even the way Darnell was flirting with him wasn't enough to spike his confidence to that level.

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