He Should Have Known (lyttlejoe)

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He Should Have Known

I knew I was late and he'd be waiting impatiently. The alley was dark except for the dim light over an exit door of one building. I made my way slowly into the lighted area and saw him standing there. He wasn't going to be happy when he saw what I had for him but I did have an excuse after all, the information he wanted wasn't your every day item.
He was acting very suspicious as I reached into my jacket for the envelope, his hand moving cautiously behind his back. We watched one another warily then when he spoke it was a mix of impatience, fear and anticipation; he wanted what I had promised and I wasn't going to be able to deliver. Right away I knew things were going to become tense.
He had asked for facts on the past, present and future and confidently I had told him I could provide them - a very big mistake. I withdrew the envelope from my jacket handed it to him and he opened it, frowning.
"There's nothing here! Where is what I asked for?"
"I know. I wasn't able to do it. I'm still trying though, perhaps later."

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