Her red eyes shocked when he looked at her, his eyes filled with emptiness. "No." She answered as she moved her hands to his face, her thumb caressing over his cheek. "I respect you, but you do not scare me." 

Kid growled as he grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head, his eyes angry. "You. Should." Kid's grip tightened on her delicate wrists. Her eyes on his as he glared at her. 

"I don't." she reputed at him, his grip loosened and her arms fell to her side. "I've feared men, I've seen monsters and you aren't a monster I fear Kid. You are my captain I respect." Kid's eyes casted down as he took the flowers that fell to the ground and handed them to her as he reached around her and pulled the door opened causing her to fall into his hard chest. She looked up at him he cut her off before she could speak. 

"I hope these help you fight better and faster. Goodnight Tsukiko. You're on the early lookout crew tomorrow." Kid said as he walked away from her and returning to his desk. 

"Thank you again Captain." Tsukiko whispered out as she left and retreated to her room. 

                                  Tsukiko woke before dawn and headed to the lookout post, nodding at Heat who looked like he was ready to fall asleep. "Go ahead Heat, I can take it from here." Tsukiko said with a tight smile as she took the scope from him. The somber man looked at her for a second before retreating down the ropes to rest. 

Tsukiko sat and listen to the men below her talk about how the next island was full of whores and casinos. Tsukiko rolled her eyes and sighed. Those islands she stuck on the ship, it was too much hassle going into town and having the men hooting and calling her to their laps. Tsukiko looked in the scope and saw the land with mist surrounding it. "LAND, LOOKS LIKE IT'S RAINING!" Tsukiko shouted down below. 

The men shouted with cheer as they all took their places as they sailed closer. Tsukiko saw low level pirate ships among the ships docked. Nothing to be worried about. She heard the knock of the mast as her que to come down. As she climbed down she was met with the mask of the first mate. "Hey. I'll be staying onboard the ship." 

"I figured you would." Killer nodded at her. "Give me a list of what you need and I'll grab all the supplies for you." the blonde man said to her. 

Tsukiko nodded and headed to the kitchen to get the list ready, when the door didn't shut she looked back and saw the blonde was at the door. "I'll bring it to you?" she questioned as she looked at him. 

"I came to see if you were okay. You cleaned the deck with no problem last night, then reported to lookout earlier than you would and let Heat go. Something is wrong are you not sleeping again?" Killer questioned

Tsukiko smiled at him and handed him the paper. "I have some personal things on there too. And could you see how long until the log pose sets?" 

Killer tilted his head with a sigh when she ignored his concerns. He grabbed the list and nodded. "If theres anything else Wire is staying on board so send him out. Don't leave this ship without some." 

"Thank you for your concern." Tsukiko smiled at him as she pressed a kiss to his mask. "And I'm fine." 

Killer nodded as he retreated from the kitchen. She sighed and turned back to the dishes as they piled up. She heard the door open and laughed. "What now Killer?" Tsukiko turned around and saw no one. She frowned and went to the deck, all the men had taken their leave. Maybe it was the wind?  Tsukiko thought to herself. Tsukiko sighed as she made her way back to the kitchen as cleaned the dishes and wiped out all the cabinets as she cleaned. She heard giggling from the other side of the door, she walked over and opened the door slightly and saw a tall woman with orange hair and another woman with black hair hanging on Wire's arms. She smiled and rolled her eyes at her friend as she made her way to her room. 

Tsukiko laid her head on her pillow and must have fallen asleep as she jumped awake when she heard a thump from above. She glanced at her kusarigama as she picked it up and walked out in the hall, listening for voices, her eyes flickered to Wire when he stepped out and his eyes saw her. "What was that?" 

"I don't know." He grunted as they walked up the stairs. Tsukiko stopped when she saw flowers on the deck. "What the fuck?" Wire muttered under his breath. 

"They are beautiful." Tsukiko said kneeling down and smelling them. "We should get rid of them before Kid comes back." She laughed as she let out a sneeze. Wire rolled his eyes and walked back to the two woman who called for him. "Am I doing this alone?" Tsukiko growled as he waved at her. Tsukiko stomped her foot as she grabbed the plants and threw them over the ship into the water, they sank slowly as water lapped over them. She kept a handful of them and took them to her cabin and placed them in water and on her bedside table to liven the room up. Tsukiko smiled and smelt the white petals. Tsukiko yawned as she laid back down in her bed, her tiredness hitting her as her head went on the pillow. 

Below (the biggest one is the one I imagined, it's the size of your palm) is what Kid made Tsukiko

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Below (the biggest one is the one I imagined, it's the size of your palm) is what Kid made Tsukiko. :) 


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Sea of Blood {One Piece: Kid x OC}Where stories live. Discover now