Moved On

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"That did not happen" I laughed at the tale had just been spun for me.

"I swear still to this day I don't know how I ended up on that boat" he replied laughing along with me.

Our chuckling was interrupted by my phone vibrating.

"Sorry" I apologized checking my messages sighing and rolling my eyes as I read the text.

"Your ex?"

"How could you tell" I smiled putting away my phone.

"You always get that look when you heard from him or he's brought up in conversation" he shrugged.


"Yeah like it takes all your strength not to call him and cuss him out" he grinned as he finished his food.

"You never talk about him" he continued.

"Why would I?" I scoffed, making my companion raise his eyebrow at me.

"My ex, he ... well our history is complicated" I sighed.

"How so?"

"Our relationship was dramatic, to say the least, we were together for a long time but in the end, it wasn't working so I walked away" I explained.

"I get drama, my ex was all about the drama. When I first start dating again, she turned up and sat with us then explained to my date all the things wrong with me" he chuckled, he laughed a lot I liked that.

"Yeah well, mine would properly rip your head off if he saw us together".

"Wow, you are dramatic" he laughed only I didn't join in.

"He wasn't violent ... with you I mean?" he questioned getting serious.

"It wasn't like that we both were extremely toxic together. As I said it's complicated and although I would love nothing more than to never see Klaus face ever again, we have a daughter together so for her sake I'm, we're trying to be civil".

"Sorry I didn't mean to assume anything I know he's not your favorite topic" he awkwardly apologized.

"It's fine detective Kinney" I grinned flirtatiously getting off the subject of Klaus.

"That smile is going to get me in a lot of trouble Thyra Petrova, I know it" he laughed biting his lip.


A few hours later I was walking through the front door of my new home, I couldn't believe it had been seven months since I had moved from the quarter and moved into my new house.

It was a lovely spacious family home, decorated with warm colors and soft furnishings, the complete opposite to the homes I had lived in before.

Not only was it the perfect place for Eden to grow up, but it was a symbol of my freedom from the life I had been shackled to.

I took off my stiletto heels sighing in relief as my feet hit the sleek wooden floors, I padded into the living room smiling at the sight that greeted me.

"Mama, mama, mama" Eden squealed reaching out to me.

"There's my princess" I smiled taking her from her holder's arms and into mine.

She curled into me as I kissed her head and rubbed her back.

"You should be asleep little wildflower" I whispered sitting down in my armchair with Eden on my lap.

The Original Sire [4]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang