Months Without You

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Ten months, that's how old his daughter was today.

Seven months, since she came home.

Six months, since her mother left him.

He was starting to believe Thyra, his angel was never going to come home but he couldn't think like that she would eventually come, home, wouldn't she?

I mean she had left him for decades and come back, yet something told him this wasn't like the times before.

This time they had signed divorce papers and from what Freya had told him, she now went by Thyra Petrova.

He stood there like he had done nearly every night for the past six months, staring into her now empty closet, the one he had built for her and he felt utterly lost.

He looked at the only garment hanging on the rack, it was a silk dress bag containing what used to be her most valuable possession, her wedding gown.

And if leaving behind the dress wasn't bad enough to truly stick the knife in, hung around the metal part of the hanger was her wedding rings.

The message was clear she was done and not just with him, but with the whole family.

The only people she had direct contact with were Marcellus and Freya.

He had really done it this time, he, Elijah, Rebekah, and even Kol had let her down they had betrayed her, broken her heart beyond repair.

Freya had said she seemed happy and carefree, and he wanted her to be happy he really did but not without him.

It killed him agreeing to shared custody and destroyed him to sign the divorce papers which made her a Mikealson no more.

Klaus sighed walking out of the huge closet unable to stay there any longer, he walked back into the room they once shared and looked at the little lump lying on her mothers' side.

She looked so much like Thyra from the button nose, tanned skin and dark hair yet she had his startling blue eyes, their Eden was perfect in every way.

"Don't worry sweetheart, I'll get her back" he whispered to his sleeping daughter before kissing the crown of her head.

He believed his words after-all he was Niklaus Mikealson and he always got what he wanted in the end.

He didn't want Thyra, no, he needed her and he would burn in hell before he lived a life without his Queen.

He would be patient, he would do things Thyra's way for now. He would be the perfect co-parent as she called but there was no doubt in his mind that she would be his once again.

He was hers, and she was his.

She was his wife, the love of this life.

His Angel.










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