Blaze - A Marvel One-Shot (14)

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The blue flame coming out of the Rider’s hand was a flame of hope and true light. Surprising, coming from such a uncommon character.

The rider stood up and Steve along with him. They were outside. The flames were dying and now there were only embers. Only they remain from what had seemed like thousand people coming out of what had been a true hell on earth inside the labs.

On the sky, the stars were still watching over them.

“Thanks.” Steve said.

“You’re welcome.” The Rider said, watching as the blue flame died on his hand.

“You have a lot of power.”

“I do.”

Steve picked up his shield from the ground and put it on his back “It wasn’t such a bad advice after all.”

“I agree.”


“You can do whatever you like Steve Rogers. But, if you would hear my advice, I would tell it.”

“Say it then.”



“Stop chasing your friend. He’s his own person now. He’ll be fine.”

“How you know?”

“The woman he saved just left a couple of minutes ago, before you woke up from my healing.”

“You didn’t stop her?”

“She has a lot of blood on her ledge, that’s true. But from experience I can tell you, just very few people cannot be saved.”

“She could know where Bucky went.”

My point is… He saved a life tonight. An enemy’s no less. I feel that whatever your friend Bucky needs to heal from, he needs to do it on his own. Just like you did tonight as well.”

“I did? All I did was failing.”

“This time you didn’t fell to despair, you didn’t gave up in front of death like you did previously. That, to me, It’s enough lesson for a day’s work.”

The rider was right. He had seen it. The Winter Soldier was no more, it was Bucky again. He was back. Maybe lost, but he if he knew his friend as well as he thought he did. Yes, he would be fine.

“You’re right.” Steve said. “I should let him be his own man. He’ll be fine. He gave me my shield back.” He laughed.

“That’s a good friend” the Rider said.

“And you gave me back my life, twice. I guess I can count you as one as well?”

“Yes, I guess.”

“Thanks, Johnny.” Steve said. Handing his hand to the Rider.

“No problemo.” The Rider said, and they both shake hands. “Someone’s coming.”

“Yes, another friend.”

“You seem to have a lot of those. That’s good.” The rider went back to his bike and mounted it.

“Won’t you stay?” Steve said.

“I’m not a people person.” The bike made a roar from hell that made Steve smile. “Good bye, cowboy.”

“Good bye, Ghost Rider.”

Leaving a trail of flames behind him. Steve Roger and Johnny Blaze parted ways.

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