Blaze - A Marvel One-Shot (6)

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The knocking on the door was fast and anxious.

Steve opened his eyes, he saw the digital clock on the wall. He had slept for just an hour or so, someone was knocking the door to his room. He got up, alerted, and ready.

He went to the window and took a peek through the curtains to the outside. It was Lucy, the waitress that had served him at the diner. She looked desperate, her pretty face full of fear. Something had happened.

Steve went to the door and opened it.

“Lucy?” he said.

“Oh my God! Sir! They are coming, you have to protect me.” Lucy said. She entered the room and closed the door behind her. She was trembling. Sweat dripping from her forehead.

“What’s happening?” Steve asked. “Are you OK?” he took her and seated her gently on the bed. The girl was in shocked, he had seemed similar reactions on the war. The girl must have seen something horrible.

“Lucy, it’s OK. Breathe, breathe.” He started to exhale and inhale on a rhythm. She followed him.

Her trembling got just a little better.

“Tell me what’s happening.” Steve said.

“They are, soldiers? I don’t know. They came and started shooting and setting things on fire. They killed everyone.” She started to cry.

“Soldiers? Where? What they looked like?”

“At the plaza, they wore all black, it was horrible.” She hugged him with fervor and he hugged her back.

“It’s OK, you’ll be find here.” He caressed her head, she smelled sweet even with all that fear expelling from her. They remained that way for a minute and she stopped crying.

She looked at him, the green in her eyes could still be seen even in the dark, they were beautiful. Steve realized that she liked the girl. He would protect her no matter what.

Their gazes found each other and there was something powerful, a connection, one of those that do not come very often in life. Steve knew, and he knew that she knew as well.

They were close, their breaths became one and so did their lips.

It was subtle but full of emotion. It lasted just a second, but it was enough.

“I’m sorry,” she said, she sounded ashamed. “I don’t know what I’m doing anymore. I don’t know what to do.”

Steve snapped back to reality, he was still holding her. “It’s OK.” He said. He stood up and picked up his jacket and phone, he searched through his contacts and called Sam. “We need to get out of town, I’ve someone coming don’t worry. But first we need to get to some…”

The shots came through the windows and the door blew up from its frame. The raw force of the explosions filled the room with sawdust and smoke clouds.

Steve went to the ground, taking Lucy under him. Waiting for the first barrage to end, they would need to reload soon enough.

When that happened, he picked up the mattress out of the bed and pushed it against the now empty door frame.

“Lucy get in the bathroom and close the door, now!” Steve screamed.

Lucy reacted to Steve’s words and in an instant she was crawling to the bathroom and once inside the door closed.

Good girl he though, her survival instinct had been stronger that her shock. Now he needed to come up with something. He would need to go out and confront the enemy.

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