Blaze - A Marvel One-Shot (5)

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The room was clean… of bugs.

It wouldn’t hurt to be a little paranoid knowing that HYDRA could literally be anywhere. A thorough search had came up with nothing. The place was just another simple motel room.

Steve sat on the edge of the bed and took his phone out and made the call.

The phone rang a couple times on the other end of the line and then Sam picked up.

“Sam.” Steve said.

“Captain.” Sam said.

“Anything to report?”

“Nothing Cap, I was late, everyone is already gone. Just a couple of warehouses with some military equipment but none of the staff. How about you? How’s over there?”

“Not exactly the same, the town is pretty normal and the people are nice, but I couldn’t find anything, no weird, warehouses, basements, nor any installation of the kind. Something is off.”

“Maybe, bad info on that one?”

“I don’t think so… It feels weird. I don’t know why. Stark’s data is good, there must be something I missed.”

“I’m just ready to leave, I’ll meet you there then?”

“You should rest, another seven hours on the wheel won’t do you any good Sam. You don’t need to rush I’ll be good on my on.”

They went silent for a moment.

“You should do the same Steve. You sound tired.”

“I will, I promise. The bed has magic fingers, maybe I should try that.”

They both laughed.

“Oh man! I haven’t seen those for a while.” Sam said. “Maybe I can find some on the road.”

“You do that Sam.” Steve said taking of his cap and jacket, placing them on the night table. “I’ll be here tomorrow and then we can figure out what to do next.”

“Roger that Caps.”

“Good night then Sam.”

“Hey Caps!”


“Don’t worry, we’ll find him.”

“I know.” Steve said. He laid his head on a pillow. It felt really comfortable. “Good night.”

“Good night.” Sam said and hung up.

Steve placed his phone on the night table along with his cap and jacket and closed his eyes. He was tired. Physically and emotionally. The training can only get you so far in the most extreme of the situations.

With his eyes closed he let himself be embrace by Morpheus and on the path of dreams he went.

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