Blaze - A Marvel One-Shot (2)

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Rogerstown was all Steve could imagine from what the term small town could spring inside his head. The main street was wide and filled with a fine layer of dust coming from the east. Hardware stores displayed their wares on dull displays, and every now and then cars traveled between intersections, at the far end of main street the city hall overview the whole town.

People went in and out from the stores and offices, housewives, mechanics, a mailman, even a doctor with his tool suitcase. Steve felt like going back in time, and he didn't like it. He had been doing too much of that lately. He had to admit though, the place looked and felt completely normal, just another day and just another town.

Either way something was off, in small towns everybody knows everybody, but these people didn't seem to find him out of place on their territory. Not even a glance was spent on him, everybody seemed to have places to go and things to do. An unseen urgency surrounded the town.

On a corner, a spry diner, invited him to go inside. The façade was decorated with a neon sign and painted in strong red and white stripes. A beautiful motorcycle rested in front of the alleyway next to the entrance. It was something to behold, a marvel of engineering. Steve had always liked bikes.

Leaving the bike outside, he walked inside. The place had a cozy feel to it. Yet, an artificial something he could not identify lingered in the air. Customers filled the cubicles and tables, they were chatting and eating eagerly. It smelled good also, he sniffed burgers and fries and hunger possessed him.

The only open seats available were on the service counter, he seated next to an empty seat with a half-eaten burger in front of it.

"Hungry, cowboy?" the waitress behind the counter said. She was pretty, black short hair and deep green eyes. Her uniform expelled a sense of confidence and discipline.

"Yes, ma'am. I just realized it." Steve said smiling at the waitress. "Those patties smell good."

"And they taste better, dear. Can I get you one? Some fries and a milkshake maybe?"

"Yes, ma'am that sounds good."

"Lucy, please." the waitress said smiling back at him while writing the order, then she went into the kitchen.

The jukebox on the far wall started to play (Don't Fear) the Reaper in the background, for a second Steve felt proud of himself. He had recognized the song by just listening to the first chords. It was a good song.

"I hate that song." Steve turned his head at the comment. The owner of the half-eaten burger had returned and was seated next to him. It was a tall lean man, with intense blue eyes and reddish blond hair, he wore a custom leather jacket, black jeans and biker boots. No doubt the bike outside belonged to this man. Steve nodded at him and the man returned the gesture, then he stared into the void for what seemed like a whole minute, snapped back and started to finish his meal. He did this quietly.

"I think it's good." Steve said.

"Uh?" the man said.

"I said, I think it's good."

"The burger? Yes, very good, very juicy."

"No, I meant the song. I think it's good."

The man grunted and turned to Steve. "Don't fear the reaper? That's the most stupid thing I've ever heard" the man's voice was commanding. Yet, calm. It didn't fit his bad ass biker appearance. "If you don't fear the Reaper then who are you ought to fear?"

"Fear itself?" Steve answered.

Lucy came back with a cheeseburger, fries on the side and a vanilla milkshake for a drink. "Thanks ma'... I mean, Lucy."

"Bon appetite cowboy." Lucy said smiling, disappearing back into the kitchen. Steve tried the fries, they were good.

"Women love old-fashioned guys." The man said.

"You think?" Steve asked. The fries were really good.

"I'm really bad with women. but yeah, I would say that girl likes you, no doubt."

"I don't think so." Steve bit the burger, the man had been right, it was good and very juicy.

"Ugly duckling, eh?" the man said eating his last bite. "You guys are so lucky and don't know it, thank god you didn't stay ugly all the way like me, eh?"

"The lord is fair." Steve said, offering his hand in salute. "I'm Steve."

"Indeed he is." The man said taking the handshake. "I'm Johnny."

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