Blaze - A Marvel One-Shot (8)

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His hands and legs did just not go numb, what had happened could be better be described as if they had cease to exist. There was no sensation, no presence.

I’m going to die. Steve though. He could feel the stone consuming his being little by little.

The rock was of a dark gray hue, like the one he had seen at the feet of some mountains near the German frontier.

Dark and cold.

He could feel how his stomach and chest were being consuming by the petrous infection, he was going to die, there was no other outcome to the situation. At least he had not dragged Sam into this frivolous and amateur assault. He should have known better. He should have known this was the place. The place where he would find HYDRA. The place where he would have to fight. He had been so out of place lately. He thought things could have been like they were in the past, he had done this in the past and he had not been so reckless. He was old and he was tired.

He had failed his mission.

He had failed his country.

He had failed Dum Dum.

He had failed Gabe.

He had failed Jim.

He had failed Montgomery.

He had failed Jacques.

He had failed Dr. Abraham.

He had failed Colonel Phillips.

He had failed Howard.

He had failed Peggy.

He had failed Sam.

He had failed Natasha.

He had failed Bucky.

He had failed his friends.

Barton, Dr. Banner, Tony, Thor… he had failed them too.

But worst of all he had failed himself. In these, the last moments of his life he realized that he had lost not only a fight nor his life. He had also lost something he thought he was going to take with him to his grave.

His will.

He had fell in the despair, he was powerless, he had always thought that when the time came he was going to go with arms blazing.

But no. He was going out as a little kid, the little kid that had been born in New York, the kid who had not been able to defend himself.

The stone had reached his neck, it was hard to breath and his vision was becoming blurred. With his equilibrium lost, he fell to the ground and there it was, the pavement once again staring back at him.

He could see The Gorgon walking, the sword being released from its sheath, shining against the starlight. The woman Viper was at his far right and she had her back at him, her gaze to the ground.

This is why Perseus brought a shield to fight Medusa… Steve thought. Please God. Forgive me.

The pavement on his cheek went hot and as a roar went through the air. He knew that the Devil had come for him.

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