Blaze - A Marvel One-Shot (3)

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Johnny asked for a cup of coffee and some cherry pie, Steven was finishing his burger and dusk was striking in the distance. "This is... a damn fine cup of coffee." He said, taking his time to taste every bit of flavor.

"Black as midnight on a moonless night." Steve said.

"God, I love that show!" Johnny said. They chuckle in a chorus, Steve realized that regardless of his attire, this guy was fine.

"So, Johnny. If you don't mind asking... you're not from here, are you?"


"Anything weird about this town?" Steve said. Almost a whisper.

Johnny looked around him, his hands in the air. "It looks pretty normal to me."

"Yes, I know."

"I've only been here three hours so, I'm not the best witness. But they haven't been rude to me or anything, and the food it's good."

Steve nodded to Johnny. Maybe, it was just him. Maybe, this wasn't the town. They got up from their seats and Steve took out his wallet and left some bills on the the table.

"I couldn't..."

"I insist." Steve said.


Lucy waved her hand at them on their way out, and then she went to serve other costumers. Outside, the day was almost gone and cold breeze was replacing the hot air from just a couple hours before.

Johnny put on his helmet and then got on his bike. "I can give you a lift?"

"No thanks." Steve said. "I'm waiting for someone. Do you know of any place to spent the night?"

"First time in town, cowboy. So I couldn't tell you. Sorry."

"I'll manage." Steve said and Johnny kicked the engine on and the motorcycle roared, It felt almost alive. "You have a great machine there."

"It's a beast." Johnny said. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you cowboy. But thanks for dinner."

"You're welcome Johnny. Nice to meet you and take care."

"Same to you."

Johnny put his visor down and took off, disappearing at one of the secondary intersections. The engine's sound let itself be heard for one more minute, until only silence remained. Looking around Steve saw that the streets were now empty. The lampposts turned on, illuminating the pavement, and bringing the start of what it seemed would be a very boring night.

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