"Thank you minute- I'm just a bit out of it at the moment.." you said as he took some breakfast as well.

"I understand sparrow." He replied as you watched him move to sit down on the log with his breakfast at hand.

You were glad that he understood- you couldnt take much in right now. You felt kinda numb after what happened. It was your fault. You should have done something. You could have tried harder.

But you just didn't do that, did you? ("BUTchA DidnT" if you get the reference I love you)

From the corner of your eye, you saw spider and phone emerge from their tent- sheepishly.

You could tell that they didnt have enough sleep last night from the bags that showed under their eyes.

"Morning yo-u two." Phone said in a morning voice mumble. His voice was scratchy.

"Glad to see you're awake." Minute replied.

Phone gave minute a small look before replying with a small "yeah.."

They both preocceded to get their breakfast while you remained silent.

"So um- the temple..?" Minute started. You forgot about that- did you really want to go? Did you really want to leave the safty of the camp? Well not safe anymore but-

You might as well as give it a chance.

"We should go today-?" You started with a morning voice. It would be best if you didnt think to much on what happened.

"Sure." Phone said in a stern voice now. While spider nodded- they all agreed. Everyone just had to get ready now- who knows this mught help your head space.. who knows...

|\|\|\|\|\|\|time skip brought by a predator (I'm extreamly lazy and want to get to the yuatjaaaaaaa partttt)|\|\|\|\|\|\|

All of your gear was ready- you even had two knives this time!
Plus- PLUS you even found a pistol in the bottom of a bag- someone must've left it there. You didn't care- you had it tucked away near your waist. Now that you know about zombies and aliens- the pistol made you feel stronger.

"How long does it take to suit up! Come on man!!" Phone screeched at minute who was shuffling around in the tent. Spider was ready as well- all three of you guys were waiting for minute. What could he possibly be doing?

More time passed as no one said a word- you rubbed your arm awkwardly as spider stood next to you and phone started to walk towards minute.

"dude! What the hell are you looking fOr?!" Phone started, not in an angry voice but more of an upset voice...

"Just my- Ha god it! I was looking for my knife." Minute pulled out of the tent with a completely brown curved knife. Slightly larger than the normal ones in the bag.

Phone gave a look before he started walking towards you and spider.

"The temple should be this way guys- sorry for taking so long.." he apologized and pointed the opposite direction of us.

"No.. problem..." you mumbled walking towards where he had pointed... hopefully this won't be a long walk- or a disturbing walk... your legs felt like they could snap with the wrong movement.

Time passed as you stumbled here and there- the group sometimes opened up some conversations but it didn't really work. Yes, you joined in here and there but just not as much... you missed latch. Your stomach felt empty even though you had eaten-it was just... empty.

You're pov

My legs felt like they were going to fail me... I had to stop and rest for a minute.

"We are almost there guys- I think I see the cave." Minute said out from in front of us. Out of all of us- I think he was the one who wanted to re-do that night... I did too but I knew I wouldn't get the chance...

Soon enough we made it to a cave- it was surrounded by forest trees and plants growing around it. I would call it beautiful but I'm not really in the mood to do so.

"Alright we are here- want to in?" Minute asked looking back at us. I gave a nod- if I was to use my voice... I would most definitely have a voice crack... I'm so moody today- it's getting on my nerves. I just need to breathe and focus- that's the least I could do for latch. 

"It's almost going to be night soon- we should get some rest.." spider replied walking over to minute. Spider was taller- surprisingly.

"You're right, let's set up a small camp shall we?" He gestured as he turned around to start the setup. Now everyone did their part- their role. Even I did but we all chipped in- to fill in that blank role... a blank role and a blank hole In my chest. He wasn't here anymore.

WAR //yautja x human reader\\Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang