Cracks in His Defenses

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"We were told the intern would take us. You are that intern, correct?"


"Then take us, and quickly. We have important business to discuss."

Miss Kiishan shooed Yuugi off to the elevator and Yuugi glared at her in kind. Ever since day one the woman never took to him or anyone. She may appear nice at first but Kiishan was undoubtedly the devil in disguise and truly didn't mind throwing people under the bus. Assignments were either skipped or passed on to other employees, messages wouldn't be delivered until she found it convenient...

Why she was still working here was beyond Yuugi's understanding.

"Mhm. Of course. This way then." Yuugi waved them towards the elevator and all five, six including him, squeezed into the first available car. The entire ride up the men were still and silent like statues. Never had he felt so uncomfortable in his life, and when the elevator dinged he was more than happy to be the first one off the car.

They walked past many hurried employees and flushed secretaries, running printers and clinking coffeemakers, until Yuugi stopped at a door labeled with Yami's boss' name in sharp blank print. He knocked once, twice, until Misaki's tired voice called for him to enter. The man who'd grabbed Yuugi pushed past him as soon as the door was open, leaving a wide-eyed Yuugi in his wake.

Misaki didn't have time to push out a greeting before the man was ripping into him, saying loudly, "Misaki I expected you to personally meet us downstairs, not to be brought up here by one of your damn interns."

Ouch. Yuugi winced. Someone was high and mighty this morning.

Misaki brushed messy brown bangs out of his face and stared up at the man towering over his desk with hardened, aggravated green eyes. "I apologize for ruining your expectations, Ogiwara. I can't always determine how much bullshit will hit the fan so early in the morning." The director nodded firmly at Yuugi once he leaned around the man's fuming form. "Thank you for bringing them up here Mister Mutou. You may go now."

With pleasure. Yuugi was out the door and waiting impatiently for the elevator before Misaki could even utter another word.

Yeesh, what a bitter man. Yuugi prayed that Ogiwara didn't have a wife. Imagine how unhappy she must be?

A fruity fragrance was the only indicator someone was beside him. "You look a little tense hon."

Yuugi smiled tiredly at his new companion. "Good morning Mai."

"Morning." The blonde's full, red lips twitched into a smile. "Bad night or somethin'?"

He shrugged as he turned away, a slight flush coloring his ears. This woman was truly very, very beautiful. Valon was a lucky guy. "Not really. More like angry businessmen in the morning."

"Ah. Yeah they're entitled to their fancy shmancy suits now aren't they?" That smile of hers erupted into a wry grin and Yuugi laughed, his mood officially uplifted. Mai's violet eyes shimmered with mirth. "That's better."

The elevator announced itself with a ding and together they stepped inside the car. Mai took a sip of her coffee (it was so strong Yuugi wondered if Mai could get dizzy from it) and put a hand on her hip. The elevator moved, and she turned to him with mischievous eyes. "What did you do over the weekend? Break any hearts with that cute face of yours?"

"Ah," Yuugi barked a dry laugh, "Ha, no. I worked at my grandfather's game shop for most of the weekend. That's pretty much it." Well, other than becoming friends with the obnoxious Yami Sennen.

Mai snorted, striking him with a look of disbelief. "Is that all?"


"Did you go out with friends?"

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