The boyfriend

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Five years ago~

Jungkook's POV

"What's up loser?" I groaned as my back was thrown against a locker. I looked up to see Jackson and his buddies laughing at me (I'm sorry baby, I love you)

"Leave me alone, Jackson."

"Or what? You're boyfriend isn't here to save you right now." I clenched my jaw and looked down. I hated this. Being weak.

I had to rely on Taehyung to help me all of the time. I loved him, but sometimes I hated the fact that I had to rely on him.

"Aw, is the baby gonna cry?" Jackson reached down and grabbed my hair. "Where's those moans? Don't you like it when your daddy pulls your hair when he fucks you?"

"Fuck off." I growled, grabbing for his hand. I gasped as he yanked harder. I was unable to get out of his grip and I struggled feebly. Dammit, why was I so weak?

Suddenly, the pressure was gone and I looked up to see Taehyung standing there, hands in his pockets and giving Jackson a bored look.

"Stop picking on him. It makes you look like a dickhead. No wonder chicks don't like you." He sneered.

Jackson growled and charged Tae, but he easily sidestepped and kicked him down.

"Tsk, so weak. Perhaps you're just jealous because you can't get my dick up your ass?" All motion in the hallway stopped. Low laughs began and Jackson grew a shade of crimson.

"Fuck you, Kim." He spat. Taehyung smirked.

"Get out of here, Wang, before I kick your ass." Jackson stood and stalked off. Tae moved to me and helped me to my feet. "There we go. All good?"

"Thank you." I mumbled. He laughed and ruffled my hair. I blushed slightly, causing him to laugh some more.

"It's all good, kid."

"I told you jot to call me that! It's weird." I whined.

"Why? I'm two years older than you."

"You're my boyfriend. Stop calling me kid, it sounds wrong." Taehyung laughed at me once again and I cursed at him underneath my breath.

"But you're so cute, bun." He patted my hair again and I looked up at him. At nineteen, he was much taller than I was at seventeen. I hadn't hit my growth spurt yet.

That's what I kept telling myself.

"Let's just go." I grumbled. He slung an arm around me and we headed outside. He twirled the keys to his car around his fingers as we made our way through the parking lot.

"Hey Tae!" Someone called.

"Yo! What's up man!" Needless to say, my boyfriend was popular.

But I didn't care, because he never paid any attention to what came with the popularity. The girls. The annoying friends who made you do stupid shit.

He always made time for me. Never did anything I would disapprove of. He was the perfect boyfriend, and I loved him for it.

He drove me home and dropped me off. I gave him a kiss before sliding out of the car. "Call me later bun!" He yelled.

"Okay!" I giggled back and he drove away. I sighed happily and walked inside, greeting my mom before heading up to my room.

"Don't forget to do your homework dear!" She yelled at me.

"Okay!" I sat at my desk and pulled out my homework, placing my phone beside me.

Two hours later and I was ready to call it quits. I was so confused that it wasn't even funny. My phone began to buzz and I picked it up. "Hello?"

"Hey, bun. You sound tired."

"I am. I've spent the last half an hour staring at this damn algebra question and I don't understand it."

"Don't swear, Kook." I paused, a faint blush creeping up my neck.

"S-Sorry..." I muttered.

"If you need help, you could've just called me earlier. You know I can help you."

"I-I didn't want to bother you."

"You're my boyfriend. Anything from you could never bother me."

"O-Okay." Two minutes later and the problem was solved perfectly. "Thank you." I said happily, shoving al of my folders back into my bag.

"No problem, bun. Oh, I was wondering if you wanted to go out tomorrow."

"A date?" I perked up at the thought.

"Of course. It's been awhile since I've taken you out on a proper date."

"You don't have to..."

"Of course I do." I smiled, looking shyly at the ground, even though he couldn't see me.

"Hey, Tae..."

"Yes, bun?"

" eighteenth birthday is coming up. I-I...think that I'm ready." There was silence on the other end.

I heard nothing but his breathing.

Finally, he spoke. "Are you sure, bun?" He asked breathlessly.


"Baby, don't feel pressure into anything, I can wait-"

"No! No, I'm ready."

"Are you sure?"


"I'll make it perfect. I promise. I love you, Jungkook."

"I love you, too, Taehyung."

Protect (Taekook) ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora