Don't mind the floating face in the rainbow

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Heeey sorry ive been ignoring wattpad for a while (authors note at the end)(plz read that)

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Percy's P.O.V.

If you've ever wondered, it takes around 2 to 3 weeks before someone realizes they messed up big time. In my defence the last few days were like one big weird dream. Did you also know that it's kinda hard to keep a secret for a long time when the other side is good at uncovering secrets. I'll tell you one thing though, I now know that my mom's side of the family is about as normal as my dad's. Give or take a few details, it's kinda the same. On both sides there's the weird cousins/siblings; and the act of pretending everything's normal. I knew there was something up with the Waynes, and I mean how dumb do you think I am. And it was only a matter of time till they figured out I wasn't normal.

Let me take a step back for a bit. About one week in, things were going pretty well. Mom was spending more time with my uncle -or as he told me to call him 'Bruce'. It was awesome, seeing the two of them so happy. It must be nice to see someone you love after thinking they were gone. I know I wouldn't trade my siblings for the world, no matter what I say. Bruce was also saying that he could get me transferred to Gotham Academy. So there's that.

I, myself was getting more familiar with the new 'family'. I was also getting more familiar with their weird jumpiness. And them weirdly disappearing whenever something bad happened in Gotham [which seemed to be at least once every two days], and the bruises that magically sometimes showed up on one of their arms or faces with excuses like 'I fell off the bed' or 'got into a fight on the street' [which would have been more believable coming from Damian rather than Tim.] Of course it didn't come as a surprise to me when I accidentally stumbled into the grandfather clock in Bruce's office and wandered into the Batcave. And of course, I didn't tell anyone what I knew.

At this point, I'm pretty sure mom knew as well, and my new 'fam' or at least uncle Bruce knew about my . . ancestry. But no one said anything, so we lived in a montage of awkward silences and internal screaming on my part for about 2 and a half weeks. It also took me about 2 and a half weeks to realize that my life seemed too quiet and comfortable.

'Of-freaking-course' I thought climbing into the car. I can't have one month with some peace and quiet. I silently recalled the domino effect of one fuck up after another that made up my morning.

----- Time rewind to the time seaweed brain died even more on the inside ---------

Still Percy's P.O.V.

Breakfast was a normal threat-free affair. Which was not normal at all. It felt like everyone was on their toes. Like the calm before the storm.

With a "thanks" we were slowly taking our places on the table, and leaving with our plates two minutes later.

About 5 minutes after I stabbed my fork into the buttery scrambled eggs Alfred made, I heard the emergency broadcast.

"There has been another breakout at Arkham, we recommend that everyone follow the regular protocols and stay indoors until the situation is taken care of"

I wondered how many breakouts happened until they decided to have 'regular protocols'. Probably a lot since the Stolls have been at camp for a while but we still don't have 'regular protocols' for when they decide the day is too peaceful.

In my thoughts, I didn't realize Tim [who was sitting next to me on the sofa] was making a quick excuse and deciding that saving the day was more important than sitting next to and not talking to his favorite kinda- cousin. It hurt the feeling I had left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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