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Phoof!!! I'm back! And this is my gift to you all for discontinuing suddenly and i seriously apologize for not being able to update what i promised. But here it is! Yay!
To sum up the story

Aira performed her show, stunning everyone as always. People cheered, none was found sitting on their seats.

The host came out and Akane challenged MaR'S for the prism Queen crown.

MaR'S went to confront her the next day but Akane gave them a cold shoulder. Warning them that she will be the next Queen and they should be prepared if they want to defend their crown.

Jun figured out that Akane is in fact aira. He told her not to let whatever hatred inside her to consume her into darkness and emptiness.

Sho overheard their conversation. He confront aira the next day, asking her why she did this and why she ran away. Aira told him the truth of shat happened that day, when she thought she was betrayed by him. Before he could comprehend what she was saying, she was already gone.

The prism Queen cup was just two days ahead. Sho couldn't get hold of aira. He didn't tell the others because he thought that it wasn't his decision to make. Everyone was practicing heart.

Aira had already perfected her moves and jumps. But on her last try, she let her emotions seep through her too much that she fell on the ice. She wanted her friends back, she wants her life back but it was too late. She silently cried on the rink. No one heard her, no one was there, no one beside her, she was truly alone.

The day finally came, Rizumu was 3rd , suzuki 2nd and mion currently has the highest score.

Aira watched her friends shining in the spotlight. She felt a sense of pride. Her friends have truly improved. Next up was her, she was on her way to the stage when she come across Sho.

"get out of my way. " she said walking past him.

" 4 years ago, i didn't mean to kiss suzuki, she kissed me suddenly but i told her that i love you and i was waiting for your answer. She said she's sorry and ran away, only until a couple of days ago did i figured that her sorry meant a double meaning. She saw you ran away a she kept it from me. Aira, 4 years ago till this, i have always love you. Please come back, don't sacrifice your life just because you want revenge. If you want revenge, hurt me but not with the price of your life. " he told her everything.

Aira froze on her spot. She came all this way and sacrifice all those things just because of a misunderstanding? Could she trust his words? What would have happened if she had given him a chance to explain 4 years ago?

At that time, she felt so vulnerable and heartbroken that she couldn't think of anything else and went to the next plane without thinking much. As years passed, she filled her heart with hatred to mend her broken heart and wanted to show him that she cannot be played with and tossed away just like that. That's the reason why she tried so hard to perform better and worked so hard to build her company. To think back, she would never made it this far if it wasn't for what happened.

She moved forward either way, with no response to Sho or any acknowledgement, she move towards the stage, she saw her friends looking at her, all eyes were, she felt overwhelmed. She felt so many emotions surging through her body, ready to burst out. Anger, relief, regret, happiness but also sadness, she felt it all.

Her song began as she danced her emotions out, her jump reflects her feelings, every fibre of her body swayed along the rhythm. The she did her prism change.

She sprout her wings as she flew up high in the sky, reaching out to the solar system as every planets turned to represent her every emotions and they all collide inside her. Aira tried to suppress all of them but was unable to hold them until they burst out from her heart as different colors of butterflies and spread throughout the galaxy like an aurora.

Her dress changed into different forms of color

She flew around different planets with a smile on her face and shouted"Galactic Emotions

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She flew around different planets with a smile on her face and shouted
"Galactic Emotions.......... Burst!!!!!! "

She performance ended and little particles of dust of different colours sparkled in the entire hall and Aira was left breathless and the crowds took a full second until they cheered on the top of their lungs for her, the points were out and Akane Miyamoto a.k.a. Aira was declared the prism Queen.

She was handed the crown and a bouquet, now it was time for her speech.

The crowd watched her as she looked down for a bit, she raised her head but her eyes were still fixed on the floor.

"what i would like to say is.....  I'm sorry everyone. " the crowd was confused as they looked at her.

" i have lied to you all, 4 years ago on this exact stage i had stand in front of you as Aira Harune. " the crowd gasps as murmurs of questions filled the hall. Aira then proceed to take her wig off. Earlier before the competition she dyed her hair back to the original colour and put on a wig.

The crowd was beyond shocked. Their beloved missing star came back even brighter than before. They're filled with happiness and shock and full of questions. Aira went back to her dressing room followed by MaR'S.

MaR'S were equally shocked as the crowd if not more. Their colleague, friend, and sister whom was thought to be missing for 4 years was right under their nose. How could they not see the signs? The way she talk, walk and behave and her passion for fashion now all seemed like it was Aira. It all fell into place as to why she performed on Aira's song and dance and her jump. It was like a water splash into their face.

When they reached her room, they saw Sho beside the door.

"she won't see anyone. " he said dejectedly.

" did you already know? How? When? Why? Why didn't you tell us? "
Mion almost yelled at him. She was on the brink of her tears. It was rare to see Mion break down not to mention cry.

As if on the cue Wataru and Hibiki arrived. Wataru side hug Mion, he knew she was unstable and might fall any second. He stood beside her like a strong piller.

Rizumu came forward banging on the door
"Aira! Let me in! Let's talk. Please let us talk to you. " Rizumu was almost out of control as she banged on the door. Hibiki as a supportive husband he is pulled back Rizumu trying his best to calm her.

The door opened revealing Aira.


Hello everyone, it's me! Don't worry I'm not a ghost and also most of my readers might already abandoned me and that would be my fault but if you are on of my first readers please leave a comment and I'll give you a shout out (not that anyone reads this piece of shit anymore especially with the shitty writer) but anyway, tysm for staying with me.

I'll probably update the next chapter sometime but don't worry it wouldn't be a whole year before that.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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