Together Again

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The crowds were cheering with the top of their lungs for this is the night which will be written in the history of Prism shows, the night where MaR'S and the legendary idol Akane Miyamoto will perform, the night where the audience shall told their grand kids someday, the night to remember, The Legendary Night!!!

            MaR'S and I were in the backstage having a last minute rehearsals of our song and then Callings came in and someone would have guess that Sho and I were avoiding each other because of what happened in our last encounter.

              If he's smart he could easily know that I hate him and blame him for Aira's a.k.a(also known as) my heartbreak and by the looks of it he kinda seems to know that I hate him. Good.

"Good luck out there guys!!" Wataru said encouraging us.

"Break a leg," Hibiki continued.

"Good luck." Sho said cheerfully, note my sarcasm.

          He really looked depressed which I think that me or Aira is involved in his oh so gloomy face but somehow that makes me sad too which should not be because I should be happy to see him like this, but I'm not.

"Sorry guys, he's been like this since awhile. We don't know what happened to him." I know, I mentally think.

"Sho-kun, are you sick?" Suzuki said with a sweet voice while touching his forehead. 'Get your hands off' I mean get your hands off because he does not deserve your care. Damn it who are you kidding Aira!! Yes I might have been a bit jealous but that's normal, right? I do used to have feelings for him, don't I? Well I left because I was heartbroken which means I was in love with him, WAS in love with him.

What are you thinking Aira get your head to the game, you need to concentrate now and not think of him!

" Whatever girls just concentrate, don't waste your time to someone who can't keep a little smile for his friends." I said with distaste.

"Akane-san that's rude."Suzuki said.

" He's just not feeling well, you don't have to be rude to him." Rizumu said.

"That's rude but Akane is just nervous about the show and just want some positive attitude around her and we idols can all relate to that feeling, right?" Mion said glaring at everybody else well except for Wataru who probably find his girlfriend cute when she's angry.

              Mion's smart, she's probably starting to figure out that me hating Sho is related to Aira running away.

"Umm.. MaR'S get ready for stage and Akane stay in your position and come out as soon as MaR'S call you out. Everyone got it?" The head of the organizer said giving instructions to us and then we all nod our heads, soon MaR'S were on stage and I was in my position where I would make my entrance.

(3rd person POV)

The crowds were cheering loudly, shouting on top of their lungs.

MaRS were doing their performance as good as they can, they can't look bad, they are about to perform with the most famous prism star and on the same stage!!!

After their performance MaRS gather around

"And now for the moment we've all been waiting for" Mion said.

"The most exciting!!" Rizumu continued.

"The most legendary!!" Suzuki addressed.

"Ladies and gentlemen. We give you


The lights everywhere, people cheering

Here comes Akane


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Hello my sweet readers if you hate my please raise your hand and if you don't please still raise your hand because I deserve to be hated. I sososooso sorry for not updating and I already explained why I couldn't update in the previous A/N.

My next update will be in awhile so just don't get your hopes up okay?

Everyone bye and thank you for your support.



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