Seven: His One Day

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Seven: His One Day

It was almost four in the morning, the streets still chilly and dark, the whole neighborhood still sleeping, and yet Jongin was already taking his car out of the garage.. only to park it in front of the house across them. Sleeping was one of his most favorite things in the world but he was sacrificing it for the girl living inside that house.

Today was that one day he asked to be with Mira – the day that he would finally let go of his feelings. He asked for one day but he didn't really mean to spend almost exactly twenty-four hours with her. But Mira had strangely asked that they meet up and go at freaking 3:30 in the morning. It was the middle of January and though the snow was almost gone this early (blame global warming), the temperature was still freezing. He stayed inside the warm comfort of his car and dialed Mira's number.

He pressed the phone against his ear. "You better be awake and ready or I swear I'll –"

"Jongin, good morning!" Mira greeted in an energetic voice when she answered, though it was a whisper since her parents were still sleeping.

All the irritation he had earlier was completed wiped away upon hearing her voice. He sighed mentally; he was hopeless. "Why can't we just go at a normal time like when the sun is already up?" He whined over the line.

Mira's tinkling laugh rang in his ear. "You'll know soon.. and you're going to be thanking me later."

He rolled his eyes, glad that she couldn't see him because she would probably smack him in the head for that. "I can hear your eyes rolling, you know."

"How could that even make a sound? Anyway, just go out of your house now so that we can go."


"Get out of your car first and go to the spot there at the yard under my window."

Jongin frowned. "What? Why?"

"I'm going to jump out of the window."

His eyes widened in horror. "Are you crazy?! You're going to hurt yourself!"

"I'm rolling my eyes now, Jongin." She sighed. "That's why I asked you to come out and catch me."

"Why can't you just go out in a safe, easy and normal way like for example, using your front door?"

"Because there's no fun in that. You said we'll reminisce our younger years for today and that's what we do before. Come on, Jongin! We're going to be late!"

"Mira, I don't think it's –"

"I'm hanging up now."

"Yah, listen to me and just – hello?" Jongin huffed in frustration. "I swear she's going to be the death of me." He glanced outside his car window and took a look at Mira's window. She had already opened it and was now waving at him with a sweet smile on her face which was obviously meant to irritate him further.

He eventually got out but as soon as he did, he instantly wanted to go back in because of the biting cold that hugged him. He fixed his scarf so that it would cover half of his face and took heavy steps towards the spot under her window. She was waiting and her grin grew wider as he got close.

Mira was suddenly gone from the window but was back soon with a large bag on her hands. "Catch this first. Be careful with it because that's the food I packed." Her voice was toned down as she spoke since almost everyone in the neighborhood was still fast asleep.

"You know, we could just buy something along –"

"There's a bucket of chicken inside."

"Let go of it slowly, alright?" He immediately held out his hands, ready to protect the chicken with his life.

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