Two: His Brother

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Two: His Brother

Jongin was getting more annoyed as he watched Mira constantly brushing her hair with her fingers. She couldn't keep still and her eyes were glued at the arrival area. Usually, he found it cute when she was nervous and excited like this. But not today.

They were at the airport for his older brother, Kim Jongdae. He was finally coming back after three years of staying in Japan. Their father was relocated for work in Japan three years ago. The whole family was supposed to move there together but then there were a lot of trouble with the transferring and their father had to move soon. Their dad was supposed to be the only one to move, but then Jongdae knew their dad would be lonely so he offered to come with him.

Mira checked the time on her phone for the umpteenth time. "I wonder if the flight got delayed." She mused, more to herself.

"He's going to arrive. Stop being so fidgety." Jongin muttered beside her.

"And you should stop being so grumpy. Aren't you happy that your brother's coming back?"

Of course he was happy. But at the same time, he wasn't. He didn't like how Mira dressed herself nicely for today. He hated how she looked forward to this day after he told her the news that his brother was coming back. Yes, he was jealous.

"I am happy. It's just so irritating how you can't keep still. You're too obvious." He retorted.

She smacked his arm. "I'm just nervous." She mumbled.

"Nervous of what?"

"I.. don't know either." She answered with a blush.

Jongin sighed inwardly. He had known all along that Mira had a crush on his older brother. But he thought that Mira had grown out of that phase because she didn't mention Jongdae much for the past three years. How wrong he had been.

"Oh!" Jongin's mother exclaimed behind them. He almost forgot that his mother also came with them. "Your hyung texted me. He's on his way out of the plane."

Mira became alert and straightened up. A few minutes more and she will be reunited with his older brother. Jongin felt his heart sink a little more.

Before Jongin knew it, Kim Jongdae was already coming towards them after passing the security. Jongdae waved at them happily and almost ran to their place. He removed his shades as he came close and even his eyes were smiling. His brother was a warm and happy person who looked after him and Mira a lot when they were younger.

Their mother was the first one to give Jongdae a tight hug. "You've grown so much, son. I really missed you."

"I missed you, too, mom. But you're crushing me." Jongdae chuckled. He saw Jongin behind his mom. "I don't think I grew that much after seeing Jongin here."

Their mom finally let Jongdae go and he walked towards his younger brother. "Jongin-ah! What did you eat that you've grown this tall? You were so little back then!" Jongdae locked Jongin's neck on his arm and ruffled his hair.

"Yah, hyung! You're choking me!" Jongin complained but he was laughing. Yeah, he missed his older brother, too. A lot.

Jongdae finally let his brother go. He was grinning from ear to ear. "You didn't give mom a hard time, did you? She told me girls keep calling on the house."

Jongin felt embarrassed. "Mom's just exaggerating."

"I'm not." Their mom countered back. "They keep asking me if they can ask for Jongin's hand in marriage. Teenagers these days, really."

Jongdae laughed while Jongin felt his cheeks get warm. His older brother then turned to the girl who was just standing quietly at the side. Ever since Jongdae arrived, Mira became tenser and tried to be invisible as the family of three interacted.

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