The heat Dilema pt 2

Start from the beginning

Jeremy moved up a little bit and softly sucked on his best friends v line, earning some beautiful sounds from the older boy,

"shit Jere you-"

He couldn't even express how incredible it felt, Jeremy's teeth occasionally grazing his skin.
He made some sort of inhuman noise as Jeremy's hand snaked its way back down to his hardening dick. Squeezing and groping.

Jeremy began to whine, lips becoming more aggressive as they made their way up to Michaels nipple, unbuttoning his shirt along the way. Grabbing it lightly between his teeth when he reached it, and sucking lightly, hoping to make the older boy go mad.

Michael thought he just might break the visor with how hard he was grasping it to avoid screaming out. That plan absolutely failed when Jeremy made the all too  quick decision to use his free hand to cup Michaels jaw and bring his own lips to Michaels.

Both boys let out loud, desperate, throaty moans, and Michael took the opportunity to slip his hand into Jeremy's pants and palm him through his boxers.

Jeremy squeaked and thrust his hips into Michaels hand. Michael laughed a little into his partners lips

"So needy huh"

Jeremy whines and removed his right hand from Michaels crotch and let it fall aimlessly onto his chest, lolling down his stomach, memorizing every inch. earning a startled gasp from the boy underneath him, pulling away to re-button his shirt.

Jeremy sat up off balance, drunk on the taste of his best friend.
"Wh-did I do something wrong? Oh god I knew this would happen, you regret it, you realized that you didn't want to do it didn't you?! It's understandable and I'm-I'm sorry I dragged you into this! I can wa-walk home" he sniffled

Michael Grabbed the smaller boys shoulders and looked him dead in the eyes.

"Jeremy Heere I don't know much but I know. For absolute certainty, that I will never regret this. Every bone in my body wants more."

Jeremy looked down and put a hand on top of his friends.


"Really baby boy,"

Jeremy blushed loudly at the nickname

Michael buttoned up his shirt incorrectly with shaking hands, buttering into Jeremy,

"Every nerve in my body wants to touch you, feel you be,, inside you"

Jeremy shuddered as Michael talked, quietly sliding over to the passenger seat to straddle Jeremy. Melting into a kiss. Jeremy ground up into the boy on top of him, just wanting more. More of anything's it was becoming unbearable.

"Mye, help"

He spoke just nearly over a whisper, practically just a breath in Michaels ear was all it took.

The the pair rocked back and forth more aggressively, boats moaning into each other's mouths.

This wasn't hardly even a kiss anymore, just their noses and foreheads pressed together, breathing heavily with open mouths, occasionally catching each other's lips.

Michael let a hand fall to the soaked seat of the car and scooped up all the slick he could before reaching around and gently touching his fingers to his partners hole, running circles around the rim of the tight pucker.

This proved unnecessary as once Jeremy felt what was going on down there. He gasped and arched his back, moaning loudly in anticipation. Michael felt his greedy hole practically pull his fingers in, a waterfall of slick poured out to make it easier. Michael quickly made his way to his knuckles, slowly thrusting in and out, twisting around.

"Mmmfuck mike I already stretched just please get in just get-aaHHhh pl-"

Jeremy was cut off by the abrupt third finger that was added, thrusting less gently this time, resulting in wonderful sounds and thrusts from the boy gripping the seat, and then as quickly as it started, the fingers were gone.

Michael lined up and slowly pushed in, stopping at the end of the head. Both boys moaned loudly. Michael knew it was all at once or never, so he quickly slid the rest of the way in, grabbing Jeremy's hair.

Jeremy closed his eyes and pushed air out of his lungs resulting in the most sexy sound Michael had ever heard.

They rocked back and forth, shaking the car with them. One last thrust in and Michael felt close, he slipped a finger in alongside his dick to help Out his partner.

That was all it took for Jeremy to scream out Michaels name and squeeze around his cock.

As much as it pained him, Michael held out until Jeremy was done to pull out and release all over the chest of the boy below him. Worth it.

The two made lazy, drunken eye contact before The brown haired boy closed his eyes and babbled off to sleep.

He must be absolutely exhausted, thought Michael, climbing off of him and nickeling himself into the drivers seat. Grabbing one more glance at the boy covered in his seed next to him before starting the car and driving the two of them to Jeremy's house.

He could hardly wait for round 3.

Ack sorry the ending seems rushed I wanted to finish this chapter before I fly to Europe in.... 25 minuets.

Cue me Trying desperately not to let anyone see my screen at the airport while frantically typing out smut ://///

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