The Q&A

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"Hey cuties!" Baekil greeted to the livestream, his puppy lips curled into a signature smile, along with his brother. Baekhyun grinned widely, waving to the camera, watching comments roll in saying hi and how are you. Baekhyun giggled happily, looking at his twin brother. "So, we wanted to do something special for you guys and we couldn't really think of what to really do, so we decided to do a q&a while I do Illie's makeup!"

The other twin groaned loudly, his head falling back. "Just so you know, I'm being forced into that part." The twin spoke, causing his younger brother to pout cutely. "I'm taking you out to dinner after this, be glad!" Baekhyun yelled, hitting Baekil on the shoulder harshly.

The dirty blond one laughed loudly, soon calming down before watching comments go by. "We have a lot of people watching! 80,000 of you are watching us, so thank you for taking time out of your day to watch us!" The older smiled, causing Baekhyun to giggle.

The boys were famous on YouTube, having 5.4 million subscribers and about a million followers on their shared Instagram and individual accounts. Baekhyun was the more nerdy and quiet twin, while Baekil was a lot louder, sometimes too loud, but Baekhyun loved his brother more then anything in the world.

"I'm actually trying to drag this out so I don't have to wear makeup." Baekhyun laughed at his brother, his two boxes of makeup sitting in front of them on the table. "Sorry, brother, but it's gotta be interesting." He grinned evilly.

Soon starting the q&a, Baekil began to read the questions off, the first question they always get. "What Asian ethnicity are you two?" He said, looking at Baekhyun. "We're Korean. Our mother is full Korean and our father is Korean American, but we know both languages fluently." Baekhyun answered politely, not bothered by the question.

Doing some color correcting and laying down foundation and concealer, he then started on the brows as Baekil read a question off in Korean and soon translated it into English. "Have you guys ever visited Korea? No, but we want to. Every Christmas, our mom makes all types of Korean dishes. She does it to "influence us into learning more about our culture," which both Baek and I love doing. We listen to a lot of groups like Seventeen and SNSD and we've even taught our American friends Korean." The two smiled proudly, soon moving along with the questions as Baekhyun finished his brother's eyebrows.

"Do you know the Park Twins?" He read aloud, looking at Baekhyun, grinning. "We don't know them personally, but we follow their accounts." He giggled, thinking of the twin he liked, Chanmin. Baekhyun hummed at the answer, looking at his brother before forcing him to close one of his eyes to prime his lids with eyeshadow primer.

"When in school, did you two get bullied or hit on?" He raised a brow slightly, thinking of the question, looking at Baekhyun for the answer. "Baekil was the popular one, I mean, I was too, but I preferred to be out of sight to focus on my work." He answered honestly, applying a tan eyeshadow to his brother's eyelids.

A couple more questions rolled on, the twins answering in both Korean and English. "What is your sexual orientation and do you like anybody?" Baekhyun blushed lightly at the question. "I'm bi while Baekkie is gay." He grinned, thinking of the last question. "Hm...I don't really have a crush, but I do have a fondness towards someone." Baekil responded, waiting for Baekhyun's response. "If I'm being honest, some American guys are complete jerks so I barely bother with dating. I've gone on date and the fucker didn't even show up. I had to stop B-il from completely killing the guy."

When he finished, he could feel an aura of death around them, knowing it was Baekil. "I about snapped that fucker's neck in half." He sighed, his nose itching from the powder that had fallen from excess eyeshadow.

"Last question you guys!" Baekhyun said, looking at the time since the twins had to go to work afterwards. Baekil scrolled through comments, looking for one. "Hmm..." He soon stopped, looking at one, smiling softly at the questions.

"How are you two so close? I have a twin as well and we're so different, we do nothing but argue, but people always mistaken us. I think that's why we always argue is because we look too much alike, but we also have different opinions on different things." Baekhyun and Baekil looked at each other for a moment before smiling to each other.

"I think it's because we listen to each other. Even though I was popular in school and Baek wasn't, whenever we had a problem, we'd just go to each other. I think if you and your twin sat down and talked about this, I think it could help." The older twin felt a head on his shoulder, grinning widely.

"It also takes some time to get used to people mistaken you for your twin. Nobody could really tell us apart, besides my mole that likes to pop in and out depending on how it's feeling." Baekhyun laughed lightly before continuing. "Baekil and I are pretty different too, but I think because we're so different, I think that's why we get along so well. Even if twins are different, you have your own individuality that makes you unique, not even your twin can copy that uniqueness."

After saying goodbye and finishing the stream, Baekil immediately ran to the bathroom, looking for Baekhyun's makeup wipes. "I need this off my face, right now." He stated, eyes smudged beautifully with red and black shadow, making Baekil look mysterious and sexy. The younger twin laughed, handing him a wipe, watching the dirty blond male rub his face violently to get rid of the products on his face.

Baekhyun went to his room, changed into a white button down and khaki pants, grabbing his name tag and car keys, waiting for his brother to ready. Once done, the two twins walked out of their apartment, shutting and locked the door behind them.

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