Bad Boy Vamp + Cocky Werewolf = True Love ? {15}

Start from the beginning

"So it turns you on being scared?" I smirked.

Tyler laughed- he actually laughed! What the hell is wrong with him, he's suppose to get mad and stubborn not laugh!

"What the hell is wrong with you? I become your girlfriend and you turn into some weirdo that doesn't let me annoy them anymore?" I half yelled.

"So you agree that you're my girlfriend?" Tyler smiled triumphantly and leaned back wit his arms behind his head.

I frowned in confusion- shit.

"Oh no, no, no I never said that." I denied.

"Yea you did."

"Did not!" I yelled in his face and stood up.

"You did sweetheart." He said calmly.

Oh what I wouldn't give to wipe that stupidly annoying smile off his face!

"Did you just call me sweetheart?" I asked venomously.


"Well don't!" I screamed.

"What would you rather, cupcake?"






"Sugar lips?" I could see his smile becoming his famous smirk.


Tyler was about to say something but I cut him off.

"No, no, no! My names Riley you dipshit!"

He was quiet for a few seconds- a few calmingly quiet seconds.

"So, Riley-kins?"

I screamed, I mean I just stood there and screamed at him, him and his stupid smirk. I felt like crying, I could just go crawl into a corner and cry! Tyler opened his eyes and just kept smirking! He pulled his arms from behind his head and opened the up to me. I think it meant he was offering me a hug but this is Tyler so you can't be sure. I crawled into his lap and he wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"I hate you." I whispered quietly.

"I know." He whispered back in an amused tone before kissing my head.

I let the dipshit stroke my hair and rock back and forth on the swing chair thingy because I was to riled up to do anything about it.

"So you wanna go on a date tomorrow?" he asked after a while.

"As long as if it's a movie I get to pick."


And that's all he said, so I snuggled into his cheat and closed my eyes. I might hate him but I think I like him at the same time- that's weird isn't it? Oh well it's not like you could have a normal relationship with this idiot anyway.

Matt's POV

"Matt, Matt guess what?" Kayla squealed as she dived onto the couch next to me.

I smiled at her giving her my full attention.


"Tyler and Riley, Tyler and Riley!"

"Kayla honey, your going to have to calm down." I love how exited she gets.

She toke a deep breath before she started speaking again.

"Tyler and Riley are going out, I mean properly Tyler and Riley are dating each other.

I sat there for a minute letting the information sink in.

"How do you know?"

"I was in the kitchen and I heard them talking so I went and asked and Tyler said they were dating."

"Kay I've told you before about spying on them- wait Tyler said that?"

She nodded her head furiously making her hair go all over the place.

"Wow, I guess I owe Sam." I muttered.

My little brother's all grown up with his fist girlfriend! This is going to be great winding him up about this- maybe I should wait a few days first though. I smiled to my self before pulling Kayla into a hug and kissing her.

"Whatever I said about spying on them being wrong, I take it all back Kay."

She nodded and grinned before kissing me, I smiled against her lips and kissed her back.

~*~ Quick question, Who's your favorite character so far? I mean i know you all love Riley and Tyler but who's you favorite? Matt, Kayla, Sam, Marcus? I was just wondering. i've got some pic's of the characters which i'll upload as soon as my photobucket account stops messing me around, also what do you think of the cover? i know it's pretty poor quality but i'll fix that when i get the time- i did it on picnik. Getting the dimensions right was my main focus because they kept changing every time i saved even if i resized it to the right ones!!! Ugh but now it fits i'll changed the pixels and make it clearer. :D love you guys, peace out! ~*~

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