"JESUS F*CKING CHRIST THIS F*CKING HURTS LIKE A B*TCH!" I yelled and i ran to sams door

"JAKE F*CKING HELP ME MY F*CKING ARM IS F*CKING KILLING ME!" I yelled and the door swung open, i probably looked like hell because jakes face completely dropped. Hurriedly he brought me in the house but accidently hit my arm.

"F*ck jake!!! my f*cking arm! holy shit!"I yelled  as he hushed me and he took me to the chair.

"Sit down we have to realign your bone before it heals wrong he whispered and i shook my head and got up and slammed my arm into the wall and pushed into it relocating it which felt like someone was tearing my arm off.

"Fuck" I yelled stretching the word out as long as my lungs let me. It was aligned normally as I flexed it back and forth examining it closely, I guess a little too closely because I didn't notice everyone surrounded me. Ignoring them I ran to the mirror and yelped, my face was covered in blood. I washed it off and looked at my face that was already healed by now even my bruise was basically gone.

"Tori what happened." Jake asked worry lacing his every word, but when I thought of what happened a shiver ran down my spine, it felt like my body was dunked in ice. But a second later I sneezed and remembered I'm still soaking wet and so damn cold.
I looked at Embry and Seth who were on the couch starring at me worried as I  ran to them and i dove onto embry, he yelped and Ipulled seth onto me.

"Freaking hug me! Im freezing!" I exclaimed shivering. Now I was entangled with embry and Seth and from behind me I heard a throaty growl.

"Stupid vamp." I muttered to myself and instantly slapped myself for it.

"V-vamp? ..........what ! tell the whole story!" Jake said eyes bugging, he actually looked comical, but right now I had to be serious I just nodded.

"Well after what happened i went running to calm down, then i found a place under a tree to sleep. then a vamp appeared, dislocated my arm, kicked me in the face and i tore it appart and killed the leech." I said in one whole breath most even sure if Jake understood half of what I said. But clearly he did, and everyone else I forgot was listening.

"YOU WHAT!" Sam shouted getting up with Paul as I shrunk more into Seth and Embry. Embrys embrace tightened on me as if to protect me from everyone's shocked stares.

"You guys are leaving something out and i have the right to know!" Paul yelled and I completely lost it.


"You're my imprint i have every right!" He hissed grabbing my arm and I shit him a death glare, at this point i was vibrating with rage my blood boiling.

"I dont care if i have imprinted on you or you imprinted on me, you regected me! you lost all your rights you jackass!" I spat and ripped my arm away.Jake  tried consoling me and telling me to calm down because i was shaking, and clenching and unclenching my fist.

"Actually he is right he does deserve to know what would never be." I finally said with such sickly sweetness Jake backed up knowing blood was possibly going to be shed.

"What are you talking about !You're human!" he said and I smirked.

"Are you sure paul? You dont know me at all so dont tell what i am or am not! because you're nothing but a notorious pr*ck!" My face probably beat red as I screamed at him and to fast for me to react, paul exploded into a big grey wolf and scratched me down my right side of my face my vision got blurred with the blood before I phased and attacked him, I completely blacked out all I know is I heard Emily scream for Sam to break us up and I tasted blood as I bit into Paul side, but just as quickly as everything happened we shifted back into human form and Paul came running up to me hands up his face completely drained of color at the realization at what has happened in such a short time.

Anger Management. (A Paul Lahote Love Story) *in process of editing*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें