Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader pt2!

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the wind blew gently against my face ,my tail idly swaying behind me as I made my way to the agency I applied at. Of course, it was only just after the sports festival and quite a few people recognised me, which was nice. Until they started asking really personal questions. Just the thought makes me shiver in disgust. A smile was quick to return to my face as I felt a strong hand slide its way into mine, absentmindedly messing with the ring on my finger. I turned my head slightly, looking up at Shinsou as he kept looking forward, but I could see that smile he was trying to hide! I smiled and nuzzled myself into his side, prompting him to put his whole arm around my shoulder as we walked closer to where I was going to stay for a week. I had managed to apply for work experience at a new and growing agency in the middle of Hosu City. I was going to learn how to teach new sidekicks how to fight without their quirk, and how to use their quirk to boost their attacks. I was side by side training with my favourite hero, Karma. She had a mind control quirk, like Shinsous' and that was another reason she was my favourite. I was really excited but really sad because I wouldn't be able to see Shinsou for a whole week! I pouted as we stood outside the entrance of the agency, quickly I turned and gave him a giant hug, wrapping my arms tightly around his waist and hugging him close. He stumbled slightly but chuckled quietly before standing straight and hugging me just as tightly, bowing his head and resting it on top of mine. My ears twitched and tickled his face and I just silently laughed. It was peaceful. Seemingly my last peaceful moment. I dragged it out as long as I could, whining when he pulled away from me. He looked down slightly and kissed my forehead, then my cheeks, then my nose, causing me to scrunch it up and try and go cross eyed to see him, and finally my lips. We kept it short and sweet, realising I was now going to be late if I stayed longer. I pouted but gave him a smothering if kisses all over his face and saying how much I'd miss him and how I was going to text him good morning like every other day. He laughed, stopping my enslaught of kisses by holding my face away. I tilted my head into his hand, whilst he blushed slightly and turned his face away muttering how 'cute' I was. I smiled evilly, pushing and brushing my head against his hands, like a cat, eventually he started petting me!! I smiled and laughed, he joined me and then I gasped.
"Shit I really am going to be late! I love you, will miss you, and don't die before I get back!" I then rushed in through the doors, hastily waving goodbye as I hung onto my duffel bag. Approaching the front desk quickly, I painted as the receptionist looked up at me. He stripped typing and turned his body towards me.
"How can I help you miss?"
I held up my finger, trying to gain my breathe back as quick as possible.
"H-hold on...phew, sorry." I straightened myself out before smiling politely at him." Sorry, I'm here for the work experience with hero Karma?" He looked confused but seemed to quickly remember something and rolled himself away from me, heading to a stack of folders and neatly sliding an envelope out, handing it to her before turning back to his computer. I huffed and shook my head, glancing around quickly and heading over to the seating area. I sat and opened the envelope, pulling out a neatly folded piece of paper.

As I opened it, I shivered a bit, it seemed to get slightly chilly for a minute but went away quite quickly. Looking down, I turned it right side up and started to read it.
Dear Y/N
Meet me at the east edge of the city by the old housing estate,I have a surprise for you.
I frowned. This couldn't be right, I was hear to learn how to teach, not go outside the agency. I kept my frown on my face, reviewing what was happening. This sounded extremely fishy and I don't think I was prepared to go, but it was a hero, so she might need to train me first before putting me infront of a class. I narrowed my eyes as I looked at. If this was a trick then I'm not going to let her ambush me, I'd rather have the upper hand to bring her down and prove I was strong.
I decided to be sneaky about it. I got up, pleased with my plan, and went back to the front desk. I rung the little bell and watched as the receptionist turned back to me.
"Hi do you mind holding onto my bag for me, I'll be a little while and I don't want to lose it." He nodded. I also had to prove to him that I didn't hide a bomb or something in there which required searching through it. Major Embarrassment.

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