2. Reunion

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BTS Characters Year of Study

7th Years - Kim Seokjin | Kim Namjoon

6th Years - Min Yoongi | Jung Hoseok | Park Jimin | Jeon Jungkook

4th Year - Kim Taehyung (yes he's the maknae here)

On with the chapter...

Mood Music -

Ash Vorhart walked into her new room holding her wand over her shoulder levitating her luggage. Sixth year had arrived, and Ash was looking forward to splitting her dorm two ways instead of four. Her roommate, Vanessa wasn't here yet. Ash's tall slender figure paced around the room and her green eyes sparkled as she took in the size of it. Deciding to take the bed near the western window, she started put her luggage next to it when she heard a knock on the door.

That must be Van, Ash thought as she stood up excitedly to usher her friend in. The door opened and a dark haired girl stepped in, dressed in black woven robes, dyed deep green on the insides. Her hair fell in waves from her shoulders to her waist. Her eyes were purple.

'You are not Van...' Ash said. Her question was met with an eyebrow raised in her direction, but no verbal reply ensued. The girl continued walking in, her sharp features in complete contrast to her soft almond shaped eyes.

Ash Vorhart knew this girl, if not by personal interaction, at least by her reputation. Everyone in their school knew Laura Dracwyn, the heir of one of the wealthiest and most ancient pure blood families. Not to mention very loyal followers of the Dark Lord. Ash watched Laura turning toward the sunlit window, the light bathing her face in a softer tone.

'Are you in the wrong room?' Ash asked the girl, walking toward her to get her attention. 'This room is 608. Vanessa and I h-,'

'Vanessa has been shifted to another room. I am your new roommate,' Laura said to her without much emotion. She brought her luggage in and lined it up at the foot of the empty bed.

'Shifted to another room? There must be a mistake!' Ash said, confusion colouring her tone.

She had never really spoken anything to Laura besides the occasional greeting. Laura Dracwyn kept to herself and her group of pure blood elites. Ash was friends with some of them but she always felt Laura was too cold.

'I'd say you could talk to the prefect about it. But then... I am the new prefect,' Laura said lazily, removing one item at a time from her suitcase. 'So, just believe what I say. It is what it is.'

'It is not what it is. I'm gonna go talk to Snape,' Ash said even though she knew Snape would throw her out of his chamber faster than you could say blimey. He would not entertain such a "trivial" matter. She stormed out of the room towards his chamber.

'You have come here to disturb me from my class preparation so that you could exchange roommates?' Snape said to her in his usual sarcastic dead-beat voice.

'Vanessa and I had made sure to file in our request at the earliest so it could be granted this semester. Why have you suddenly changed your mind?' Ash demanded of him.

'Miss Dracwyn does not have a roommate. Miss Gwen Osburg is at home due to a medical condition. Dracwyn needs a roommate so we have put her with you. Now stop wasting my time and leave,' Snape said.

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