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(I drew the pic in the car, it's kind of messy😂)

I hear lots of movement downstairs, and I head down. It's probably people getting started with the introduction thing.

When I go to run downstairs, my leg snaps out of place as it glitches.
Yelping slightly, I fall down the stairs.
Straight into the hallway, in direct view of the living room.

Beginning to chuckle, I ignore my bloody nose and laugh.
That was fun! It didn't hurt. Why does nothing supposedly painful hurt anymore? Was it something the SCP did? I don't know, but I'm pretty thankful.

Two other people laugh lightly, and looking up I see that it's Dark Link and Herobrine. Dark Link continues to chuckle, but walks down the hall into the kitchen to get a drink.

Sally runs over to where I sit on the floor with tissues, hands them to me, and starts tearing up.
"Oh no! Are you ok? Does it hurt? Can I help? Why di-" I interrupt her and say,
"No, my leg glitched and I fell. I'm fine, it doesn't hurt!"

I wipe my face clean from blood, and chuckle again. That was really funny!

"What do you mean it doesn't hurt?" She asks, worry seeping into her eyes.

"I don't know Why, but nothing hurts. Maybe it was from the SCP." I answer.

She lends me her hand, and I take it, and Sally leads me to the kitchen.
"Why are we going in here?"
I ask, squeezing her hand.
"'Cus! Dark Link has something to say to you~!" She let's go of my hand, giggles like a maniac, and runs away.

Meanwhile, Dark Link puts his drink down, and turns bright red.
He tries to explain, but goes even more red, the tips of his ears going pink and his cheeks and nose like a fucking tomato.
"U-uh, well... S-Sally! What the h-hell!"
He backs away from me and sprints after Sally, she bursts out laughing and runs to her room, locking herself in. Her laughter is still audible through the door, and Link gives up.

Strolling up the stairs after them, making sure my leg doesn't glitch, I find him banging on Sally's door and still burning a bright red. She is still laughing.

"Pipsqueak..! I swear to Zalgo..!"
He yells, then notices me watching and runs up another flight of stairs. I hear a door slam. His room must be upstairs then.. huh.

"Sally, let me in! It's puppet!"
I call, and she giggles. A lock clicks, and Sally is stood in front of me, red and crying from laughing too hard.

"What was that all about?"
I ask, sitting down on the floor cross legged.

"He has a crush on you~!"
She starts laughing again.

"R-really..? Why..?"
I stutter, my face burning as well.
"He said it's because your cute, sweet, funny and the type of guy he's into!"
She said.
"I ship you so much!"
She cries, hugging me and laughing.

"Why did he tell you?"
I ask, curious.

"He blushed after we left the dinner table, and I asked him Why, and he said he like you! I asked why again, and he said that! He doesn't usually get crushes-"
I interrupt.
"Oh my god... even after he learnt that I was trans?"
"Yeah!" She says, "we need to go to the party! Come on!"

When we arrive downstairs, Link looks agitated, his white hair slightly messier than earlier and his hat out of place.
He is still slightly pink, the blush obvious on his pale skin.
I'm pink, too...

"Puppet! Splendor shouts, "Lets begin! What game shall we play first?"

"Truth or Dare?" I ask, and everyone nods their head in approval.
Dark Link looks slightly nervous, though.
Everyone sits in a circle on the floor.

"You start!" Splendor cries, pointing at me. My neck glitches again.

I point at Link.
"Truth or Dare, Link?"
I ask playfully, knowing that he'll get flustered again.
"T-truth..." he stammers, and I continue.
"Why are you blushing?"

He stops.
Fear fills his eyes, and he looks at the floor. I just need to know if Sally is telling the truth.
"Dark Link?"
I ask again, and he looks up.
"Because I really like you."

It's true..
But why...? He can't seriously be attracted to me.
It's when he breaks eye contact and looks away, blushing, that I notice his ear rings. They're really cool, two in the cartilage and two hoops in the lobe.

Before I can say anything, he hurriedly yells, "HEROBRINE TRUTH OR DARE."
"How many girls have you kissed?"
"I've been in a game a while, so n-"
"How many?"
He sighs. "Two."

I've never kissed anyone... I've been at SCP since I was around 12.

The game goes on a bit, and for some parts I cover Sally's ears.
Then Splendor asks what game next.

"Uh.. spin the bottle..?"
I say, praying that it doesn't land on me.

"Ok! Sally can stay with me and get the bottle." He says, and takes Sally by the hand as they walk to the kitchen.

As they leave the room, Dark Link runs over to me and sits down.
"What was that for?"
He whispers and stares at me for a second.
"Calm down, no one else cares. I just had to know if Sally was lying or not."
"She told you?!" He whisper yells.
"Yeah. Don't worry, I like you, too."
I whisper back.

He stays quiet for a second, before whispering, "Shall we like, go out, or something?"
I chuckle, and he blushes and looks away.
"Sorry..." he says, and I whisper,
"No! It's fine! But we've only know each other for an afternoon. Maybe give it some time?"
"I'd like that." He says.
"Me too."
I put my hand on the floor next to me, and he rests his on top of it, in a subtle position that no one else can see.

Suddenly, Splendor and Sally run back into the room with an empty wine bottle with a label that reads, "Property of Kagekao."
"Hey, that's mine!"
Supposedly kagekao yells at them.
Splendy shake his head and says, "it's, empty, Kage!"
Kagekao grumbled and rests his head in his hand.

"Sally is in charge of spinning the bottle!"
Splendor shouts, "Does everybody know the rules to this game? Sally will spin the bottle, and it lands on one person. Then she will spin it again, and the person it lands on first has to kiss the second person! All clear?"
Everyone nods.
"Lets go!" Sally yells, spinning the bottle.

First it lands on Offender, who is sat on the other side of the circle. Suddenly the bored expression on his face gets a bit more interested.
Then it lands on Jane.
Jane frowns and says, "Lets get this over with..." and let's Offender walk over and kiss her.
As he walks away, smirking, she wipes her mouth and stares at the floor.

Then it lands on Kagekao.
His mask changed from a black and white smile to an annoyed frown.
Then it lands on me.
He lifts his mask up slightly, kisses me ON THE LIPS and walks back. He might be unfazed, but Link looks pissed and I'm pretty flustered. That was my first kiss... I wipe my lips like Jane did and lean back to Dark Link. I put my hand on his and give it a squeeze, my way of saying, 'it's fine, don't worry'.

The game goes on for a few minutes, landing on Nina and Herobrine, Eyeless Jack and BEN (to their disgust), and a few other people.
Then it lands on Dark Link.
And me.
He smirks, looks over, and kisses me. For a few seconds. I kiss back.
Then he pulls away, still smirking, and grabs my hand again. I don't try to pull away, he's holding it tight enough to almost be painful.

Sally looks like she wants to run over and hug me.

Splendor looks at both of us holding hands. "7 minutes in heaven?"
He asks politely, winking subtly. He definitely noticed us holding hands, and the returned kiss...

"Yeah, sure!"

Puppet. (Creepypasta X FtM Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin