She walks pass other couples holding hands and laughing their asses off. How fun they seem to have, she takes up her hand and lets it run through her hair.

"What am I doing?.... I can't-"

"Y/N!!!!" A loud voice makes her almost flinch out of her shoes. "How are you, deary?" Her aunt, Zina jogs towards her, bags of groceries in both her hands.

"Auntie?!" Her eyes widen immediately as she grins. "What are you doing here?" She gives her aunt a quick hug.

"Oh just doing daily chores, what about you?" Zina replies and puts the bags down. Y/n shifts nervously, why is this making her uncomfortable all the sudden. "Well, I'm just heading home"

"Oh, but you have passed the path to your house already, you're almost in the towns mid-hall" Zina arches up an eyebrow. Y/n blinks a few moments before looking backward, she did really pass a while ago.

"Shit, I've been occupied in my mind I must have forgotten"It's not like Y/n wanted to go home anyway, all her family does is argue with her.

"Hum? Are sure everything is okay? What about that boy you talked about last time, did you two figure things out?"

Y/n couldn't help the faint pink that dusted her cheeks. "O-Oh Midoriya and me?...well it's something alright" Her voice restrains her of any emotion. Probably because she knows, if Zina asks her more questions, she will be an open book. Every page open wide and clear.

The look at Zina is having, is something Y/n has never seen before. Her aunt has always been this strong idol for the teen, even if she never exactly said it out loud. And she still is for all means, but somehow, all people falter beneath the pressure.

"Auntie?" The h/c breathes out in a mutter, enough for her to hear. She places a hand on her shoulder, causing Zina to gaze away.

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't be crying in front of you" Zina dries away her tears, trying to form a smile, but she can't, not with the immense memories she's carrying.

"Do y-you wanna talk about it" Y/n tries to ease things up, but again, she is not used to comforting people. Not matter who they are. Even when her brother Yuu had mental breakdowns while still in middle school, all she could do was ask if he wanted to talk about it and give him a warm hug. That's all she could ever do. She can't fix someone, or so she thought.

"I think it's time I tell something from my teenage days..." Zina whispers, giving the teen a glassy expression. She looks so hurt and like she's been carrying a heavy burden for years.

" can tell me anything" Y/n answers, moving a strand of her own hair behind her ear. Getting ready to listen.

Zina takes a final breath before saying what she has been meaning to say for a while. "The name a name I'm familiar with" Zina kindly explains, Y/n's brows crease in confusion. "You see, when I was in high school I meet a boy named Kiori Midoriya. Kiori also had an older brother, who I'm assuming is Izuku's father, making Kiori Izuku's uncle" Zina explains further, trying to be careful with her words so Y/n would not get confused.

"So you knew Izuku's uncle and father? wow" Her face twisted in disbelief, but also happiness. Maybe she can use this attachment to get closer to Izuku again like they were destined to meet and be friends. She wants to scream it all out, and say thanks for the time they've spent together. Oh how the times have changed, haven't they?

But then it hits the teenage girl, why did Zina bring this up for? and what emotional damage did her aunt receive?

A specific flashback comes to mind.

~ It's just...I guess that boy you mentioned- Midoriya, he...reminded me of someone I used to know ~

~ Yeah...that boy, that I knew. He needed a lot of help, and I couldn't give it to him...or more correctly, I didn't notice before it was too late ~

It hordes her body, what her aunt was trying to tell her, but her obliviousness ruined the chance to get things right. Already then...she got the hint that she needed.

Y/n notices the thick tears streaming down her aunts' cheeks. "Y-Yeah I knew them, but Kiori...he-" Zina goes into another sobbing session, "I was so oblivious, I only cared for myself and I-I didn't see the signs. Kiori ended up committing suicide after our first year of high school" The blood washes away from Y/n's face, her mind tangles into something she's never experienced before. It's now she realizes...history is repeating itself.

Zina heartfully places both her hands on Y/n's shoulders, clenching them tight. "And Y/n- I have a gut feeling that you are in the same position that I was in back then, please, please do something before it's too late!" Zina pauses and falls down to her knees, people had already started to listen. "Please if you love him, go after him, don't repeat my mistakes! Let him know you're there even if you are wrong about how he feels, don't take chances, him"

That is all she needed to hear, all of Y/n's earlier confusions about Izuku and everything that's been happening, is clear now. He wasn't acting distant because he did not like her, Izuku didn't fake his smiles because he was having a bad day. He's been crying for help, he's struggling, those bandages she saw at the hospital on his arms weren't there because he fell. No. Izuku is in pain.

She needed to do something, her hands start shaking. Who much time she actually had left?

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