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"Could you please ask them to hurry up????" Aariz whisper-said, "I can't take this anymore." He sounded pissed.

Areesha gave him a look, "Why so impatient, Riz?" She waggled her eyebrows.

"Not at all funny, Areesha!!" He scowled, getting angrier.

His sister laughed, "Okay! Bad timing." She commented, sobering up. "I'll see what I can do." She went back inside, leaving him sulking on the threshold.

After a while of waiting, to his relief, everyone finally came out.

Aariz straightened up and very reluctantly held out his hand when Haider Ahmed asked for it and when Faheem Othman nudge him from the back, signalling him to oblige. Haider Ahmed placed Laiba's hand in his and started telling him to take care of her and things of that sort which all went straight above his head. His mind was stuck on the feeling of her hand in his which was cold against his warm one's.

It was nothing but repelling.

Like fire and ice.

For the sake of the spectators, he took her with him and they both started descended the stairs with their families following behind. Once they reached the car, Aariz, gently, withdrew his hand from hers and opened the door of the passenger seat for her.

Sniffing, Laiba turned around and looked at the mansion and the people standing behind her one last time before getting into the car.

Aariz closed the door and wheeled around to get to the driving seat. He popped open the door and plopped himself down on the seat. Shutting the door, he turned the key in the ignition and roared the engine to life as he drove out of the Ahmed Residence.

Once the newly wed couple were out of their sight, the rest of the people bid their farewells to the Ahmeds and took their leave as well.

Haider Ahmed and Sarah Ahmed, stood at the courtyard, watching the cars manoeuvre out of the mansion, one after the other. They both looked at each other with teary-eyes before turning away and getting inside the mansion, hand in hand.


The waiter approached the table with two plates of sandwiches and two steaming mugs of coffee. He placed them on the table and they both thanked him with a nod. As soon as he retreated, Omar didn't waste a second launching at Zeeshan.

"Are you telling me that you ran away, three days before your wedding which was suppose to be, today???" He expressed his incredulity, eyes widened and palms flat on the table.

Zeeshan mused, "If you put it that way, yeah!" He grabbed the mug of coffee and looked away from his questioning eyes.

Omar fell back on his chair, shaking his head. "Damn! No wonder I had visitors asking for you."

He placed the mug back on the table, "What??" He snapped.

Omar bobbed his head, "Two days ago, someone came by looking for you. I don't remember his name, though." He appraised him.

Zeeshan furrowed his eyebrows and bit his nails in wonder, "Was he weird?"

"Totally." He rolled his eyes.

Zeeshan bit his lips, "Must be, Shah."

"Who's he? And why the hell did you run away from your wedding?? Did you not like girl or something??"

He appraised him, "Look! It's complicated. I'll tell everything later, okay?"

"Okayyy.." He dragged, raised his eyebrow, perplexed.

"For now, just know that the last thing I want is for them, I mean, my family to find me. There's things that I need to fix up before I go back home and I want you to help me."

He raised his eyebrows, "What do you want me to do?"

"A few stuffs." Zeeshan took a sip of his coffee before continuing, "For starters, a place to stay and some cash. I'll return you every penny."

Omar scowled, "Save it." He waved his hand, "I owe you bigger things."

"Thanks, man." Zeeshan sighed.

"Don't mention it." He brushed it off.

They both ate their sandwiches and drank their coffee in silence.

"So?" Omar began, wiping his hands with a tissue paper. "Are you going to tell me now? Or when?"

Zeeshan licked his lips, collapsing his hands in front of him. "This is a little embarrassing but do you remember, Handal?"

Omar narrowed his eyes in wonder, "What about her?"


"Dude! Are you serious? Is this all about a girl?" He chuckled mockingly, "It's been two years, get over her man."

Zeeshan shook his head, snorting. "For your kind information, I was never into her.." He laughed humourlessly.

"But-" Omar looked confused. "Weren't you both a thing or something?"

Zeeshan glanced up at him and leaned over the table, "No! We were just friends."

He then fell quiet, leaving Omar deep in thoughts.

"Dude!" Zeeshan further continued hesitantly, "I did something wrong." He whispered with an edge in his voice.

Omar straightened up in his seat, "What??" He asked curiously.

He averted his gaze, guiltily. "Let's just say I have got some unfinished business  to do, in this town."


Just a filler chapter🤗🤗

Next one will be better I promise😊

Vote and comment😁

Allah Hafiz🙃

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