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Matt rolls his eyes" you are the weirdest person I ever met Liza".
I answer " well thanks" and then a huge explosion is heart from the other side of the city.
I look back at Matt"What the hell just happened?". Matt sighs "comeon we need to get out of here" and stands up. I sigh a "ok" and start heading after him.
The hallway is big light and looks preety fancy. The walls are white with some fancy paintings and the floors are made of  grey  stony-like tiles that are covered in a bloody red colored carpet. At the end of the hallway there's an elevator.
We entered it and Matt pushes the button to the ground floor.
There's the elevator music playing in the background and I'm trying really hard to not fall asleep. I look at Matt who is by the way pretty tall. He's like six point two feet tall.  I start to open my mouth to say something but Matt interuptes me " please if you want to talk just to not be in awkward silence just shut up because I'm rather in some awkward silence with you than to listen to you for the entire day.".
I gasp " this is the longest you've ever spoken to me before" and hug him. But he pushes me away and exits the elevator which just came to groundfloor.
So he doesn't like hugs well he better gets used to them if I'm going to be kidnapped for the entire day. Cause I'm Liza the person who hugs. And I loooove hugs. They can be intimate or happy hugs or sad hugs there are all types of hugs. And I love hugging people.
I quickly run after him"hey where do you think you're going you need to help me to find my class"
He stops " look I'm not going to help to find your class because you're not going anywhere do you get it. You are Fucking kidnapped k-i-d-n-a-p-p-e-d get it kidnapped. And my boss can do anything  he wants to do with you. That includes killing you. DO YOU GET IT"
I look up at him with wide eyes. I don't know what came over me but I started to cry. Like I never cry. I'm that person who never cries. But right now all I wanted to do is just cry For no particular reason.
His eyes widen and he at first hesitates but then he  pules me into a hug   "oh shit don't cry comeon everything is going to be ok alright?". And I wrap my arms around him. And start to cry even harder into his shirt.
Wow he really is muscular. I can feel his flipping abs from this position woooow.
After a while I stop crying and I pull away from his warm arms"thanks I really needed that I'm em .... sorry for your shirt". There's like a big wet spot on his left shoulder  and his dress shirt  is soaked wet there. He looks at it and chuckles " it's ok comeon let's go".
We enter a black Mercedes Benz . And then Matt starts to drive. We drive through some pretty big streets that were crowded with cars and Matt just drove through it. He was driving preety fast and soon a police car started to follow us. I look up at Matt and he just continued to drive calmly like there's no damn thing that can make him freak out. I guess that that car isn't following us. After a while the sound of sirens multiplied and the cars speed did to. So I say"Matt pull over there are a lot of police cars following us we need to stop" . He just chuckles and quickens the cards speed. I look back and there are like twenty  police cars following us. I look back at Matt with a horrified expression. Matt finally looks at me and sighs " please don't look back nothing is going to happen ok they will stop following us as soon as we enter the highway. Ok?". " We are going out of the city?!? No way I need to get back to my friend I have a one week excursion here and I'm sure not going to miss it so turn the car over right TRUCKING NOW" I start to yell.
He quickens the speed but he doesn't look like he is listening to me. I start to snap my fingers Infront of his face and than he finally breaks " JESUS CHRIST WOMAN AS YOU CAN SEE I'M DRIVING AND THERE IS POLICE FOLLOWING US SO I SURE AS HELL AM NOT GOING TO TURN THE CAR AROUND JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT TO GO ON AN EXCURSION NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP IF YOU DONT WANT TO GET IN A FUCKING CAR CRASH". I sigh and sit back on the seat. Matt continues to drive.
But then a helicopter is heard      " attention stop the car sir, stop the car". I hear Matt mutter "shit". And then he quickens the pace and starts to turn on the highway.
I mutter a Finnally  but the sirens don't stop and now the helicopter is flying  above us and I can clearly see through t the window that there's  a camera filming us. I look back at  Matt"how the flip are we going to get rid of them now?!?". He rolls his eyes " just wait sweetheart just wait" and than he quickens the speed even more. I swear we are going at least 300 per miles by now. How can the car even handle that.
After an hour I think of speeding and driving the sirens stop and the helicopter stops following us.
I gasp " I ..I can't believe it " . He laughs a sweet deep laugh " I said so you know this  isn't my first time doing this so trust me when I say something". I roll my eyes and chuckle.i think that Being kidnapped isn't that bad at all.But then my mood drops we are at the fucking airport. Damn it. I close my eyes and start muttering a relaxing speach.
Just breathe Liza everything is going to be ok. You are going to get back away from those weirdos to Maddy and you're going to enjoy the trip being in Budapest.
The car stops and Matt looks back at me like I'm a weirdo "you know that I heard that right?". I smile a sick smile "sorry I thought you didnt".
and then I open the car and  I can hear Matt opening the car and running trying to get me back to the car but I ignore him. I start to run  really fast to the nearest taxi that I can find. I'm going to get away from here.
I enter a taxi and lock the doors "start driving please right now". The car starts to move.
A suprised taxi driver looks back at me "where to?". "Budapest" I answer.
I look through the window and I see Matt standing on the street looking at me with wide eyes. I wave and turn back to the front. I can't believe I escaped that's awesome. I now I'm a quick runner but I didn't know  that I'm that quick. He clearly didn't expect that. He couldn't even grab me. I chuckle. And look through t the window.
After 30 minutes we get to the outskirts of the city. But then the the taxi driver starts to talk" so where's your baggage?" . I nervously laugh" I don't have any". He looks back at me suprised "oh and you know that  a 45 minute drive costs a lot right?". I nervously laugh " yeah about that I em ..... Kind of have no money".
The car immediately stops. And the driver starts to yell " HET THE FUCK OUT". I jump and start to go out. The taxi starts to drive immediately when i closed the doors. Great  I don't have a ride anymore. I look around and I spot the zoo. Didn't Maddy talk about going to the shopping centre on Thursday. And that this street is really near the zoo. And I'm near the zoo and what time is it? I spot a hipster looking girl on a phone " hey em do you know what time is it I lost my phone and I need to meet someone at 10am.". The  girl looks up at me with raised eyebrows " gurl you are late for it it's 2pm". "Oh" I nervously laugh "thanks bye". Shit. What should I do know. I can go to the shopping centre I still have my wallet. I feel kinda bad for that taxi driver though. Well I wasn't planning to pay all of my money for that drive either. I sigh and start walking to the street that Maddy said was  the shoppimg street.
After a while I Finnally reached it. Damn that was tiring. At least I had a great nap in the morning. I still can't believe how did I black out. I enter a small newspaper kind of shop and look around for a burner phone but didn't find one. I exit it and start to head down the street looking for a street phone or something. I finally found one. I enter the amount I need to call. And Than Maddy's phone number. After a while I could  finnally hear her voice" who's this?". I start quickly because I knew that I don't have much time " Maddy it's Liza im calling you from a street phoney thingy and I'm lost could you please call the teachers to pick me up.". "Em ok Liza where are you?"I can clearly hear Maddy trying to not freak out by it. "Em you know that shopping street you were today at I'm here" when I finished that sentence the phone call ended. I'm a lucky bitch.
What shall I do now. I look around and then I see Burger King in all its glory. I can basically hear the angels singing in the background. I run in it. After two boxes of chicken nuggets, French Fries and a big Pepsi.
The teachers and Maddy entered the fast food heaven.
Maddy spots me and rolls her eyes " I knew you are going to be here".
I laugh and run up to her" I missed you so so much".
A fake coughing sound interupts my happiness. I look up and see Mr. Sounders  pissed off  face" where were you Elizabeth when did you even got lost? I thought you were with us the entire day?".
Wow this woman is observing." Got lost in the shopping centre" I lied.
I'm a good lyer so she's not going to figure it out.
"Ok let's go back to the dorms shall we?".
I nod and start following her.
It was 4 pm when the teacher and Maddy came for me. And after a long drive we finally came to a youth hostel that was basically in the middle of nowhere. Like there was a thick forest sorounding the hostel.it was 7pm time for dinner when we entered the hostel. So we went directly to the dining room. After the dinner I went to the room Maddy was staying in  and the room I should have stayed to .
When I closed the door behind me Maddy started with her  panic outburst "Where the hell were you?" .
I start to think about a good lye to say to my friend but she interupts me" I was worried sick I tried to call you but you didn't answer and the worst thing is that the teachers didn't  even notice that you were missing. You better tell me every single thing that happened to you while you were 'lost' Liza".
I sigh hope this will work. I start to fake cry " how the  hell should I know. I went to the toilets and accidentally entered the men's one. Which was super emberassing so I went out of the cafe but I wasn't looking so I went out on the fricking back exit. And then I was trying to call you because the doors couldn't open and I started to walk to the main Street but then I blacked out. And don't ask me how because I just did and i have no idea why And then I woke up in the middle of that street. And then I found a street phoney thingy and I started  calling you and well now I'm here" I fake sob. The thing is I don't cry often. So in middle school girls thought I'm a weirdo. When I went to highschool I taught myself to fake cry and fake sob and all of that emotional sad shit. And if I think about it the practices were pretty useful.
Maddy hugs me and starts crying" I'm so sorry I was just so worried about you". I fake sob again " it's ok I'm tired let's get some sleep ok?".
I hear Maddy whisper a yeah before I went to the bathroom. After taking a good ol' shower and changing my bloody vagina I went  to sleep. I fall asleep immediately.
I familiar sound wakes me up. There's a male voice talking. Wow I missed that voice . I haven't heard it since I ran away. Wait a minute. I open my eyes and see the blue eyed guy/ Matt looking back at me "Good morning sweatheart I think that the encounter with your friend is now over right?Now let's go there's a plane waiting for us".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2019 ⏰

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