1.chapter CODE RED

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I'm sitting on a bus. There are kids around my age screaming in excitment. We are going to Budapest yey!!!!!
Last year my classmate Bella won  the First  place on an  art contest and the award was a 3 day excursion  to Budapest and after a lot of convincing from our parents the teachers finnally gave up and took us on the excursion!!!
And Right now i'm sitting in an overcrowded bus and trying to survive the 5 hour drive to Budapest.
I live in a small country called Slovenia.It has only 2 million People in it and basically consists of "villages" yep the Towns are so small that everyone basically knews everyone.
But lets get back to the story.
I'm sitting next to no one because of the accident that happenned 2 years ago.I was in my 7 grade and went on an one day excursion.To shorten the story i thought that I wouldn't need to have a plastic bag with me because i thought that I wouldn't throw up at the First bus Ride to the museum.At the end my classmate who sat next to me was covered in my throw up. And now no one wants to sit next to me even my bf Maddy. Traitor!!!!!
I plug my headphones in and start to Listen to music.
After an hour my fellow classmate whose name is Theo runs to the front of the bus to get a plastic bag for his friend when he slips on someones puke on the floor. The entire class bursts out laughing.
After hundreds of throw ups later we finnally get to our destination. When i slowly start to get up. I get a wet squishy felling down there. When i Look down i see my worst nightmare. I Got my period and i'm totally unpreppeared. I'm wearing my favorite Black jeans and a Messi shirt and Both of them including the seat were covered in blood. I quickly Grab my blue hoody from my backpack and cover my butt with it. I quickly Grab my stuff and rum thru the bus Door.When i finnally get outside i hear a screaming from the bus driver. Poor Guy needs to clean up after me.😅
I start to run to my BF Maddy and start screaming "code red code red".Maddys face starts to red from the embarrassment. She quickly hands me a tampon and i excuse myself and start running for my Life to the Cafe nearby.
This is going to be a fun excursion!!!

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