We drove to the ice cream shop, ordered and was waiting for ice cream.

Only then I noticed her. My mate.

"Go get her" My wolf whined.

"Yeah right she is going to welcome me with open arms" I said sarcastically.

"Trying won't hurt" He muttered.

I noticed her going to the washroom.

"Amour, I'll be right back" I said and followed her.

I was waiting for her to come out.

"Look your going to talk to her for the first time, First impression is the best Impression. Talk to her politely, Don't be possessive or..... " My wolf rambled.

My wolf stopped, when I pushed our mate into a wall and growled at her, "Mine".

"So much for not being possessive" my wolf said and facepalmed.

Her eyes widened.

"What's your name mate?" I asked her.

"Ashley" She mumbled and looked down.

I lifted her chin, made her look me.

"Ashely" I repeated.

After a minute, her eyes widened and she started to struggle on my hold. So I decided to do one thing that will shut her up.

I kissed her. My first kiss, I've wanted all my firsts to be with my mate.

She stood frozen for few seconds, then she started to kiss me.

She hooked her arms on my neck and pulled me closer, I held her against me by her waist.

Our kiss turned into a make out session.

I was so engrossed that I didn't notice her pushing me. what the fuck?

"Don't, I don't want you as your mate. I don't even want to see you again" Ashley screamed and ran away.

My wolf whimpered hearing it.

"Our mate is good at running" My wolf said trying to lighten the mood.

"Will you just shut up" I yelled at him.

I drove back home with a very suspicious Amour, but she didn't question me.

"She won't be quiet for so long" My wolf muttered.

"I know. If she comes to know that a girl rejected me, she'll laugh at our face and make sure that we'll never forget"I said.

"You mean to say you're face" My wolf said smugly.

"Shut up" I grumbled.

When we reached back home, she stood in front of me blocking my way.

"Move Amour" I said.

"Alright, I had enough of you fake smile and crap mood. Now tell me what the hell is your problem?" she yelled.

"Fine, You wanted to know. A girl I like rejected me, whom I thought will spend rest of her life with me" I said and closed my eyes. I was waiting for her to laugh at my face.

But something soft hit my body. I looked down to see her hugging me awkwardly due to the difference in height.

"You know you could bend down so that it'll be easy for me" She grumbled.

I laughed, bent down and lifted her up holding her close.

"Don't worry. The girl doesn't deserve you or your love. No matter what, if she is meant to you she'll be in your arms at one point of time. Even if no one stays I'll be there for you till my last breath. Thank God now I at least know that you are not gay" She mumbled the last part. But I heard it clearly. My wolf chuckled hearing it.

"You promise you will never leave me?" I asked desperately.

"I promise. Now prepare dinner, Go shoo" She said and pushed me into the kitchen.

"For a second I thought she cared for us, but she just doesn't want to loose a free slave" My wolf said in disbelief.

I laughed at him and cooked dinner.

Dinner went on by, Amour talking between her non stop eating and my wolf whining to tell her to shut up. Though I know my wolf is also happy that she started to eat well.

"You do know that you can close her mouth with a duct tape?" My wolf questioned.

"You do know that she'll kick us even if we try" I said.

That made him shut up.

Tomorrow I am going to show my mate what she is missing, I'll show her I am not hurt even though I know I am.

Hello readers,

It's been a long time. Sorry I was caught up in my personal life. I'll make sure I update often hereafter.

Vote. Comment. Share.

Love you all.😘


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