Spencer stared at Rachel, "then why did he thank me?" Spencer turned towards his girlfriend, "the goal is to win,"

Santana smirked when her boyfriend turned towards her, "and now that Mr Schuester has agreed to let us hire Dakota Stanley," she turned towards her friends, "we can,"

Spencer looked down at his feet, when Finn spoke up, "but he doesn't want us to, he just doesn't have the confidence to coach us anymore," Spencer turned to Rachel, "guys are real sensitive when it comes to this kind of stuff,"

"a-and that's my fault?" Spencer put his hands to his hips, "do you see anyone else in this choir room with a plate of i'm sorry cookies?"

Finn shook his head, agreeing with his brother, "because we don't, all we see is just you holding the plate,"

Quinn stood up when Santana pushed down her boyfriend down beside her, "i'm bored," she looked around the choir room, "all those in favour of hiring Dakota Stanley?"

Quinn raised her hand in the air, when everyone else expect for Spencer and Finn raised their hands.

Rachel looked at Spencer, when he turned towards her, "really?" she raised her hand when Artie was about to raise his hand when Spencer and Finn send him glares.

Santana push her boyfriend's hand up, when he pulls it back down to his knees, when he pulled himself up.



Santana kisses her boyfriend's cheek, when Spencer turned his head rather then her kissing his lips, "wait up,"

Spencer followed Rachel out of the choir room, "you can't do this to Mr Schuester," he follows after Rachel, "what? make him a hero?"

she crossed her hands over her chest, "once we hire Dakota Stanley and win nationals, he'll thank me for it," Spencer looked at her, "what? if Mr Schuester gets us to nationals,"

Rachel looked at him, "you heard your girlfriend, it's all about winning," Spencer looked at her with furrowed eyebrows, "since when?"

"look," she looks up at Spencer who wore his letterman jacket with a flannel shirt above his white t-shirt, "you have your popular clique and your football and your cliché of a raven headed girlfriend," she crossed her arms again, "Glee is my one shot,"

"if this doesn't work out, then my whole high school life will be nothing but an embarrassment," Spencer frowned, "what's a cliché? is that a bad thing?"

"wait, wait, wait, wait," Spencer held onto Rachel's hand, "wait, wait.." he stood in front of Rachel, "is this one of those chick things where you're pissed about one thing, but you're just pretending like you're pissed about something else? cause.."

Rachel looked up at Spencer, "i don't know what you're talking about," she shrugged her shoulders, "well, for a while there, you were kind of all over me and now you just yell at me all the time,"

Spencer looked down, "it makes me think that you're still upset about what happened in the auditorium," Rachel went past him, "i'm not, i've moved on and i'm focusing on my career now,"

"so do you wanna talk about it? Santana normally talks about it with me, before she starts kissing me,"

"no-" Rachel turns to face him, when Spencer like metered away from her, "and neither do you, it's kind of ironic how you're mr popular and i'm just this nobody that everyone makes fun of,"

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