You ran

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I was panicking
You had left all your stuff...
You walked away from us
I tried getting help
Tried getting someone to go after you
I cursed
And cursed at the counclers
They didn't help
They said...
"Just worry about yourself"
How can I worry...
About myself...
When you ran
When you walked away
Without a word
Nobody could help
I wanted to
I knew what to do...
But I was scared
Scared of you hitting me...
You looked so Pissed
You said your better now
But are you?
You ley me in without realizing
The heart to heart texts...
Its nice just talking
And not having to worry
Why cant life be like that?
Why did you have to run?
Why couldnt you just open up and say something?
I missed it...
But I'm glad later that night you did
Don't run again please...
My shattered heart cant take any more of see you hurt

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