I realize

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The more I read...
The more I realize I hurt someone
The more I realize I'm also a coward
I hurt her
She never deserved it
I feel bad she didnt go to homecoming
I feel bad for taking my anger out on her
The looks are what I give to everhone when I'm Pissed
I hope she didnt take it personally
I break everytime
I hurt another
Its tacking off
Peice by peice
Each second I'm alive
I lose a peice of my heart
I lose a peice of what I could feel
Everyone is better off with me gone
I tell myself that all the time
I just wish I wasnt such an ass
Such a chicken
I couldn't tell her to her face
I had to be a wuss
And do it over text
Thats why I'm afraid
Afriad to let people in
Afraid I wont be able to keep them together
I keep my distance
And try not to fall

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