Chapter 17: Vance

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His dirty hair flipped carelessly in the chilling breeze as a cold smile grew on his perfect yet evil face.

"Indeed. You humans are so foolish."

His once-beautiful glory now appeared as disgusting evil. His hair was knotted and coated in dust and his face displayed splotches of mud; but his plain prison jumpsuit appeared to be completely spotless.

"I know who are! I know everything! I can't believe you tricked me!" I screamed.

He let out a low chuckle.

"I tricked you? Well, that's news. All I did was show courteous hospitality; but apparently, your stupid human brain thought I was flirting." His laugh grew as he pretended to wipe a small tear from his attracti--I mean, despicable pink eye.

"Vance! You could be better! You don't have to be like Chad!"

He sighed and clucked under his breath as if he was trying to explain the three laws of motion to an infant.

"And why would I want to be as low as Chad? No, my dear; I am much worse than that filthy Neptunian."

"Ha! No yo-"

I was cut short as his hand swiped across my face and I felt four sharp nails slice into my right cheek.

I screamed and raised a hand to my cheek as blood streamed off my chin. I could hardly process what had just happened. My cheek began to swell and my face to numb. I had never felt this much pain before, and I couldn't believe he didn't even bat a beautiful eyelash over it.

I glanced up and saw him inspecting his shiny nails. As I rolled and cried at his feet, Vance began talking.

"Seeing as though you will most definitely die here, I might as well 'spill the beans', as you humans say."

"I am not going to die here! Jack will tell Bill and he'll figure something out. I swear to you, my family won't stop until we're all safe and sound," I barely gasped out, still holding my face and trying to stop the blood with my shirt.

"Peasant! So you really think they'll accept the trade? That is, if your pathetic boyfriend even decides to tell."

"Jack would save me! And Bill would too!"

"Do you really think they'd sacrifice the king of Pluto for a stupid adolescent human?"

I bowed my head, thinking about Bill and if he would ever let me die. My thoughts were interrupted as Vance began to drag me along, braid in one hand and arm in the other, to a secluded room underground.

"I killed them," he began, shutting the moldy wooden door and locking the two of us in the room.

"Killed wh-"

"Shut up!"

I was instantly silent. He cleared his throat and brushed nonexistent crumbs from his shirt.

"I killed the queens. Eliana and Violet."

"But why?"

"I'M TRYING TO TELL YOU NOW SHUT YOUR TINY FACE, FOOL! I poisoned both of them with this..." he revealed a large vile half-full of bubbling blue liquid.

"You see, although I am much more wicked than Chad, he had already influenced many of these dumb Phobonians. I had to use his influence to my advantage. Starting the war would most definitely kill both Chad and Bill, leaving me in charge to do my will with the rest of the galaxy and beyond. It's the perfect plan; and I'm already succeeding."

His sickening smile made my insides knot together in disgust. But truly, was he worse than Chad? If I could convince him to change, that would fix everything. Unfortunately, what I said next made him do something that only proved how awful he really was—1000 times worse than Chad—and led to a meaningless death.

This section was written by Amity

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