Chapter 3: The New Rulers

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In seconds, everyone had gathered to hear what Eliana had to say. 

Many wept for her and constantly tried to grasp her tattered gown.

"Plutonians; humans; as many of you are aware, I have been kept in prison for nearly twenty years. Violet fed me and kept me alive while pretending to play my role. I pounded on the walls for years, but no one heard me, and no one was allowed in the dungeon. I am very sorry that she deceived you in that unspeakable way. Princess Violet will be sent to Phobos with her husband, Chad." She bowed her head as she thought of words to say. 

"Thomas," All heads turned toward my blushing stepdad. 

"You know who you are, Charles. Vance knew too. That is why your parents had to send you away. That and, your father had severe unmanagable anger issues. Vance would have killed you. He is much more maleficent than he appears. He did not approve of his young sister marrying Chad. So when he found out about Violet's pregnancy, he declared his plans to make you suffer." Dad shook his head, a serious look on his grim face.

 "I helped them. I helped with the delivery. The planning. The pod. I never imagined they would stab me in the back like that. Violet's death was all a hoax, as I'm sure you're aware. We met up on Pluto. She brutally tricked me into jail. She then turned into human form to protect herself from her brother's wrath.  And you know what happened from then on." She directed her attention back to Dad.

 "That is why Vance put you in the least desirable job on Mars. I believe that was only the beginning of his plans of destruction." Her eyes overflowed with tears but she didn't stop.

 "Chad: revenge on having the favorited brother has led to much suffering. Vance: revenge on having his sister, respectable and heir to her own castle, taken off by the wicked ruler of Neptune has led to many being tricked by his charm." She took a deep breath.

"But, thanks to our brave clan; Bill, Paisley, Thomas and- oh yes, little Leonard; we can vanquish the evil via banishment." She smiled wide. "Chad, Violet, Vance, Calvin, and even Vivien will be cast away from us for eternity." She stopped.

 The pause was more awkward than ever. No one dared to move. Even a quiet ruffle of cloth could be heard throughout the entire expansion of the hundreds of tunnels.

 Eliana's face scrunched into a confused furrow as everyone directed their full attention towards Bill. 

She turned her head to him, her braid dramatically flopping over he shoulder.

"W-well. Eli- uh-" Bill began, his face turning bright red.

"I am King."

Her eyebrows only scooted closer together and her lips curved down in the most confused face I had ever seen.

What seemed like several more minutes of embarrassing silence, Drowse finally shot forward, grabbing both Eliana and Bill by the arm and dragging them off into a random secluded hole. 

For nearly an hour everyone stood stalk still, listening to the quiet mumbling of the three hidden behind the wall, and the occasional, "Wait, what?!", "Really?!", and "Why?!"

At last, the three slowly exited together. The identical emotion displayed on Bill and Eliana's face was undecipherable to me. 

"Uh- um-so...we have come to a conclusion after reciting many laws, some that go back dozens of decades. And uh, I guess I'll just say it." Drowse stretched out his arm, motioning toward Bill and Eli. 

"These are our new King and Queen. Their wedding will be held tomorrow." 

The room exploded with commotion as millions of rapid-fire words echoed off the halls. The mass of confused, angry, and excited Plutonians smothered me to the point where I thought I was going to suffocate. 

At last, I was able to slip out and I darted towards Bill and Eliana who were holding hands and running to escape from the great room. 

I finally caught up to them but we said nothing until the whole family had eventually gathered. Bill, Eliana, Leonard, Dad, Mom and I. 

"Can we get an explanation?" I said throwing both my hands up in the air. 

"Yes. Of course," Bill said, laughing, as he grabbed my arms and put them by my side. 

"The law states--I don't exactly know where, I don't exactly know why--but if we both choose to be King and Queen, then we must get married apparently."

"And do you choose to?" Lenny asked excitedly, stepping in front of me.


"Of course he does, dummy!" I stated, slightly annoyed with him as I shoved in front of him.

They next day they got married. I can't tell you much about it though, because, well, I was kind of crying the whole time. I regretted it afterward though. I probably looked like a baby crying my baby eyes out. 

But something in my gut kept whispering to me that he shouldn't have married her. 

It was only, I guessed, a few days after Clementina's death that he got married. I did run the thought through my mind that Plutonians aren't very sentimental, but I couldn't help feeling bad for Clem.

 Chances are, she would be the only one he would ever sing that song. I did feel happy for him, however. 

He looked genuinely glad to get married, and Eliana looked the same. I knew, even if they didn't now, they would learn to love each other more than life itself. But what did I know? I was only fourteen years old.

Leonard, Dad, Mom, and I decided to it would be best to stay on Pluto for a while, until Mom and Dad figured out what to do once we got home. 

Leonard reasured Dad a thousand times that his mom forgets about him all the time and wouldn't even notice that he was gone.

All was going fine until something unspeakable and extremely shocking happened.

This section was written by Amity

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