Chapter 10: This Means War

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To be honest, I was a little scared of what Bill might do. He was pacing uncontrollably, fists tensing, rage growing, patience shortening.

Finally, Mom lept forward and took hold of his shaking, drooping shoulders.

"What is it, Bill? Your pacing is driving me crazy. You're honestly scaring me, son."

Bill let out a long jittery breath and ran his shivering hands through his tangled mass of dark hair.

"It was Chad. Chad did it. Chad that idiotic foul- just-ugh! There's just no way to put it! If only the children weren't in here; THEN I could say what that monster REALLY is."

Mom let out a small cluck of disapproval, but BIll simply ignored her motherly ways and continued to pace, and every once and a while would spin around and shake his head sorrowfully.

I knew partially how he felt. When I lost my dad, I didn't know what to think or what to do with myself. I felt useless. Hopeless.

"You see..." He finally stopped and faced the four of us.

"He poisoned her. She ate that fruit that came in the unlabeled package." He sighed and shook his head slowly.

"She should have known better."

"But Bill," I piped up. "How could he have sent it here, and why?"

"Chad always has a way. Always." Bill dropped his head in sorrow.

"Revenge. Chad hates me. He despises my guts, and every inch of every form I am. He's been planning for years and years to ruin my life. He started with Coli- I mean, Dad. And then he almost succeeded with you, Mom."

She bowed her head, memories of a painful past coming to mind.

"And his wife has just died; probably in front of his very eyes. And now he's grieving over Eliana's death and wants us to feel his pain."

"You mean Violet?" Drowse corrected cautiously.

"Yes. That's what I said."

"So, Chad poisoned Eliana because he hates your innards, he's sad, and he's just an overall idiot jerk face?" Jack hypothesized slowly, summing it all up.

Drowse put a hand on his shoulder. "Basically, yes. Just a lot more serious, kid. We need to stop him before it gets out of hand; and, with his unknown sources, who knows what Chad is capable of?" 

"What are you suggesting?" Dad inquired.

Bill spoke up, anger practically fuming out his ears. "Destroy them. If they haven't gathered into a ruthless force, then conquering the Phobonians will be easy."

"So, what you mean is basically starting a war so a random dude will stop hurting others?" I asked him. He gave me a look like he was impatiently trying to explain mathematics to a baby.

"War is only if they fight back, right? We're going to stop them from hurting more."

"You mean by KILLING them?" Mom asked with a hint of disproval.

"They're criminals, Mom. One of two of their sentences was death. They almost always choose banishment. Besides, their lives are practically the worst lived lives in the entire galaxy. We'd be doing them a favor."

"Can't we just bring them all here and then execute them professionally?" Dad questioned.

"There are countless bloodthirsty creatures there. Many of us coming unexpectedly should wipe them out in a single blow. If we don't surprise them, they would overpower us and gain the upper hand. There are more of them, and they're bigger and stronger. We have no choice."

"I don't like it. What about the innocent ones?" Mom said, biting her nails.

"They are all guilty!" he bellowed. Mom stepped back in surprise.

He put his hands to his face.

"I am King. And that is my desition. Anyone who disagrees can get out of my way...or else."

He then pointed a finger towards the hole, indicating for us to leave, right now.

Grief can really change a man.

Later, I was sitting with Jack outside on a large rock.

"What do you think of it?" he asked me, slightly nudging my shoulder. "I don't know." I shrugged. "I suppose all the prisoners deserve it. Chad is an awful beast. You don't know him like we do. Be glad for that. I suppose if we clear them out, we could make way for the new...?"

"Yeah. But what about the ones who aren't part of it?"

I shrugged again and turned toward him, my eyes trying to adjust to the dim lighting. Night was coming.

"I just don't know, Jack. But we have no say anyway. Bill has already made up his mind."

"I feel bad for your bro."


I hugged my knees and leaned my head on them.

"It'll be okay though. He's used to this kind of things from what I've heard," Jack said, gently placing a cautious hand on my shoulder.

"I know. And it isn't fair. I never thought he would become this kind of man. I think Bill's not trying to show justice; he's trying to get revenge."

Before we could say more, William came running up behind us.

"What're you two lovebirds talking about?" He leapt up on the already-crowded rock and wiggled between us.

"Just what your dad said."

"You mean the 'forbidden' stuff and stuff? He won't tell me about it. He's pretty upset and he locked me out of his room."

For a young kid whose mom had just died, I thought he would be much sadder. I figured this was just his body's technique for not excepting the fact that she was gone and trying to stay positive.

I felt bad for the little guy. On the outside, he was his same goofy, careless self; but I knew, on the inside, his heart was breaking, as mine was.

"Unfortunately, more matter on that case is classified and may be!" Jack said excitedly, tickling Will and rolling him off the rock, the ten-year-old laughing all the while.

Our smiles quickly faded as the familiar messenger ship landed once more, only feet away from us. Instead of Knute, the normal messenger, a wounded guard in human form from Phobos came tumbling out, blood staining his torn shirt.

I let out a scream as I raced towards him and tried my best to lift him up.

Jack and I drug him close to the hole, but before we could drop him down the bottomless pit to Bill, my brother came rushing up, his red face showing tear stains.

Bill crouched down and helped the injured guard sit up and lean against his arm.

"What is it?" Bill ordered, worry flooding his words.

"It's Chad, sir. He's killed most of our men. He's coming. He sent me here to say," the guard coughed fiercely and pressed his hand firmly on his deep wound. "That he is declaring war. All the Phobians are following his command."

"Why?" Bill nearly yelled, his eyes widening in horror.

"Because, sir. He says you killed his wife."

This section was written by Amity

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